Tag: News & Announcements

  • CloudDevDay, Red Wings, Geekfest 2011, BlackFinn Next Thursday!

    Okay true believers – let’s start with the important stuff.  Get your Commander Chaos tinfoil costumes and retro Atari t-shirts out, because it’s that most wonderful time of the year – Motor City Comic Con is this weekend!  Pop culture icons, Playboy bunnies, actresses you lusted after in your youth (and the ones you lust…

  • Stuff for 5/5/2011

    Yeah, I know – I’m getting lazy and basically just phoning in titles these days.  It happens. Hope everyone had a great #starwarsday yesterday…and yes, you non-Star Wars geeks, thank you for indulging those of us that are with all of our “May the Fourth be with you” cracks and comments.  But beware of tomorrow…for…

  • Detroit JUG is awesome, offers discount tickets to CloudDevDay for ITintheD.org folks

    Read about CloudDevDay here: http://clouddevday.com/ “The goal of CloudDevDay is to educate Detroit and SE Michigan software developers about building applications in and for the Cloud. This will be an introduction for many of the attendees and the presenters know that. Infrastructure As a Service and Platform as a Service technologies present huge opportunities for…

  • Getting Back To Basics

    It’s time we got back to our roots a little bit. We (Bob, Jeff and I) have had a lot of discussions over the past few months about where the group’s going, what we’re seeing, what we’re hearing from attendees at our events, and what we’re getting in via email, phone calls, etc. The moral…

  • Reflections from a Pink Slip Party

    …wow. Just…wow. What a great event last Thursday night.  In all due seriousness, we want to give a collective “thank you” to Dice.com, the IT Section of the Michigan Bar Association, and of course all of the recruiters and job seekers that showed up and made for such a phenomenal evening.  I also want to…

  • Over 60 Recruiters. 30+ Companies. Free Beer. Pink Slip Party Tonight!

    Well, it doesn’t get too much better than this. We’ve got over 60 recruiters from more than 30 companies confirmed to be at our event tonight.  We’ve had scores of resumes come in from job seekers.  We’ve got attorneys from the IT Section of the Michigan Bar Association coming.  Dice.com has thrown some cash our…