Month: January 2014

  • IT in the D Tonight, Event Thursday, and So Much More…

    I don’t know exactly how it happened that this week suddenly got so insane, but it did, so here we go. We’ve got our IT in the D live broadcast tonight. Our first casual networking event of the year takes place Thursday night. And then there’s other random stuff through the week leading up to…

  • How Not To Suck At Facebook

    How Not To Suck At Facebook

    “See this? Our website? I just want it to suck less. Can you make it suck less? I have a big bag of money for someone that can make it suck less for me. ” – a CTO who shall remain nameless, during a business meeting circa 1999 I am in my 30’s. I am…

  • IT in the D, Episode 25: The Last Broadcast of 2013

    IT in the D, Episode 25. We decided that the last broadcast of the year would be just the three of us hanging out, chatting about news, events, and just about any topic that popped into our heads over the course of two hours.  We even had the saucy little minx who hosts the show…