Category: Article

  • You’re Welcome, Mayor Bing

    Look, I’m not saying that Mayor Bing is totally using our idea… …oh, wait, that’s exactly what I’m saying. Remember that idea we put out there about how to deal with abandoned buildings in Detroit? So, funny news story broke today…

  • Welcome To September – News, Jobs, Events and Updates for 9/5/2012

    Really? September? Already?! Wow.  The kids are back in school, fashion freaks have put their white items into storage, and am I the only one that’s thinking “Where did all of those Mayan calendar conspiracy freaks go that were screaming at the tops of their lungs four months ago?  Shouldn’t they be getting louder right…

  • Have a Safe and Happy Holiday Weekend

    Just a quick note to have a safe and happy Labor Day weekend, folks. In case you’ve been living in a cave and missed the memo, your local and state police departments will be out in force this weekend looking for those who might’ve been, oh, let’s call it “over served” while having drinks. There’s…

  • The Pre-Labor Day Weekend 2012 News, Jobs and Updates

    Well, it’s almost time for a nice, long three day weekend. Time for some grillin’ and some chillin’, and if you’re like me at all…probably some drinkin’ and some thinkin’ along the way. But…it’s not here yet…so let’s catch you up a bit around here. I’ve got an update on The $20 Lesson for you. …

  • The ‘Tactic’ Sales Guy

    You’ve heard the radio commercials. You’ve seen the books at Borders. You’ve heard the feedback from recruiters and management at your jobs… “Read this book and be a great salesperson!” “Take this expensive course and improve sales 40%!” “Don’t let your competition beat you, use these sales tactics to win over your customers!” Really? So…

  • Golf Outing Update

    Okay, just a quick update on the golf outing – we’re postponing this until next year. Candidly, we weren’t really getting the support from the course that we were expecting, and it’s not worth giving ourselves an aneurysm to do something half-cocked. As a result, we’ll be putting this off until the spring, and we’ll…