IT in the D, Episode 8: Insert Witty Title Here Tonight!
It’s Monday, which means it’s time for another IT in the D live broadcast!
There Aren’t Enough Superlatives Left
Posted this note on our Facebook page last night…still true: This group constantly and consistently stuns us…and yet we feel like we should just expect it by now. We’re constantly humbled…and yet extremely proud…of what this group is, does, and has become. We want to yell at the top of rooftops…and yet we’re regularly left…
Networking Event Tonight, IT in the D, Sharknado, Helping Kids, TOO MUCH STUFF GOING ON!
Okay, seriously…there’s too much going on right now. Here’s what we’ve got to cover: The latest IT in the D broadcast is live. We’ve got our casual networking event tonight. You still have time to help us help some kids tonight at the event. Sharknado will be on the screens in the back room tonight. Blogs. …
Reminder: Help Us Help Some Kids Tomorrow Night!
We talked about this on Monday night’s IT in the D broadcast – take advantage of the fact that stores already have “Back To School!” sales going on, and help us help some kids tomorrow night during our casual networking event for professionals in and around the metro Detroit information technology industry. We’ve done events…
IT in the D, Episode VII: THUNDERDOME Tonight!
Yes, you should absolutely be planning on coming to our casual networking event on Thursday night. Yes, you should make sure you read this note about how to help us help some kids in need before Thursday gets here. But tonight…tonight…(anyone out there get the joke if I say “Let it be Lowenbrau” here? No? …
Help Us Help Some Kids Next Thursday Night!
Yeah yeah, I know, I know “two updates in one day, what’s wrong with you?!” Shut up, get over it, this is important. We’ve done events a couple of times to help out Operation: Kid Equip over the years, and as it turns out, they really need some help now, and so we’re all over…