Pink Slip Party in Two Weeks, IT in the D, Jobs and Updates for 9/5/2013
It’s getting closer. Two weeks from today, we’re back at St Andrews Hall for our next Pink Slip Party. In the meantime, we’ve got some blog entries for you, a couple more IT in the D broadcasts, and the usual round up of updates from our LinkedIn group and elsewhere. The kids are back in…
Jobs in Detroit: IT in the D Pink Slip Party Event: 9/19/2013
Hundreds of jobs in the metro Detroit Information Technology Industry available at a low-pressure, no-cost networking event on September 19th in Detroit, Michigan. But don’t call it a Job Fair. With more than 550 hires taking place through their events now in the books, Information Technology networking organization ITintheD.com is presenting their next Pink Slip…
Prune Your Network Day 2: Electric Boogaloo
It’s been a long time, since October of 2011 to be specific, since we brought this topic up. With the impending long weekend, it seems like a good time to remind you that your network has a lot in common with the trees, plants and shrubs around your house. Sometimes, you have to cut off…
It’s All About Perspective…
So here we are in May of 2010…and it’s time for a little flashback so that perspective can be gained…or maintained, as the case may be. Our smaller events these days get anywhere from 120 to 150 people at them. Our larger Pink Slip Party events run anywhere from 500 to 600 or more. We’ve…
Hatch Detroit: Last Day To Vote!
Well, the last day to vote online, at least. You can still head down to Campus Martius tomorrow during the afternoon to vote in-person, if you’d like. So do your part to help make $50,000 goes to the best possible company for a downtown storefront…
Sponsor Slots Are Going, Going…
…almost gone. Not going to even try to take this in stride, this is happening faster than we anticipated. We’re down to just two slots left open if your company’s interested in having a table/booth presence at our 9/19 Pink Slip Party at St Andrews Hall…