Category: Article

  • Okay, limited resumes, no tie. Go it. What do I do when I get there?

    Step one is always “relax”.  When you walk in, you can either ask the hostess where we’re located, or just follow along the bar until you get the back room.  Please take a moment to sign in…

  • Is there a cover charge or admission fee?

    Uhhh…no.  We’re not that group. Just like all of our other events, we don’t think it’s either necessary or good karma to charge people for these, and so we don’t.  No cover charges from you, no kickbacks from recruiters when they hire someone, no cut from the bars we go to…hell, we even pay for…

  • Should I wear a suit?

    Completely unnecessary.  This is a networking event, not a formal job interview.  If it makes you feel more comfortable, sure, I guess you can…but remember, it’s in a bar, and you’re there to have conversations and make connections.  I wouldn’t suggest showing up in destroyed jeans and a tattered t-shirt either. The best way to…

  • Do I need to bring a bunch of copies of my resume?

    No. You might want to bring a couple, since there will always be people on hand that might want to take a look at it, or be willing to offer you some tips…but don’t plan on handing out copies of your resumes to recruiters that you meet.  Get some business cards made up – either…

  • I sent you my resume a while ago. Should I send it again?

    Yes, please do.  It’s been a while, and it’s always good to get them into the hands of the recruiters again to be recent.  Plus, new recruiters are always joining the group and planning on coming this time around, and it’s a good idea to get your resume into their hands as well.  Just send it…

  • How did the previous Pink Slip Parties go?

    Quite simply put, they went outstandingly well.  Channel 4 (NBC, showed up early at the May, 2009 event and did interviews with both us and job seekers, and then hung out for a while – you can see the video by clicking here.  More than 200 people submitted resumes ahead of time.  Over twenty…