Category: Article

  • Updates and Jobs

    As I sit here downing my first cup of coffee, two dawning realizations hit me.  The first is that it’s hard to believe that the year is already half over.  Once upon a time, I used to laugh when my grandparents would tell me that time goes by faster as you get older.  I’m not…

  • Event Tonight – Updates and Jobs

    Looking forward to seeing everyone in the back room of the BlackFinn in Royal Oak tonight at 5pm.  As a reminder, this is one of our smaller, more casual events – so no name tags, no registration tables, just show up, grab a drink of choice and start talking with some of the best people…

  • Updates and Jobs

    We’re just a week away from our next casual networking event in the back room of the BlackFinn in Royal Oak next Thursday (the 24th).  As always, we’re expecting a great mix of recruiters, job seekers and those looking to build their network in the IT industry here in metro Detroit.  As with all of…

  • Updates and Jobs

    Couple of quick reminders, followed by the usual flood of jobs from our LinkedIn group…and there have been a *lot* this week! The dates for our upcoming events are as follows…

  • Updates and Jobs

    Greetings again from! We’re changing things up a bit, and making the website the focal point for these email blasts…mostly because the limitations that LinkedIn puts on the emails kind of handcuffs us on what we can include, and so it makes sense to us to use the tools we have available (like the…

  • Casual Networking Event tonight!

    Hey folks, don’t forget that there’s a casual networking event tonight in the back room of the BlackFinn in Royal Oak.  Looks like there’s going to be a pretty decent turnout, so we look forward to seeing everyone there.  For details about tonight’s event like directions, etc., hit the LinkedIn event listing: or on…