“Intent and scope”, more than anything else.
People find jobs at our casual networking events, and people come to meet other people at our Pink Slip Party events.
Our Pink Slip Party events were originally a self-defense mechanism more than anything else – when more than half of the people showing up at our events were looking for jobs rather than networking, we decided to launch the Pink Slip Party concept as a type of event more directly focused on helping people find jobs than about networking.
The Pink Slip Party events, as a result, tend to be a lot larger attendance-wise than do the casual networking events. We’re honestly not really sure why that is – as noted, people find jobs through our casual networking events as well…but, well, we can’t really control what other people do. Pink Slip Party events can be overwhelming at times with more than 500 people showing up, so we really recommend hitting our casual networking events to get a vibe and feel for the group, as well as to make some connections, before diving in to a Pink Slip Party.