I know, I know…we’ve been teasing you about a bigger event for the better part of a year now.
I swear, it’s not because we haven’t wanted to talk more about it…but you know us. We’re not going to do something if we’re not happy with how it’s going to be done.
Well, now we’re happy with how it’s going to be done…
On Wednesday, March 13th (that’s 3/13/13 for a conference in Detroit, aka “the 313” …we’re very clever, aren’t we?), we will be holding an event at The Masonic.
It will have speakers. It will have a Pink Slip Party. It will be a networking event. It will have panel discussions.
It will also be the launch of “IT in the D”, as well as Network Michigan.
“IT in the D” is a concept we’ve been struggling with for the better part of the last two years. We knew we wanted to do something with it, but we weren’t really sure what that was going to be. In fact, for a while now, the “IT in the D” domains (ITinTheD.com/net/org) have been pointing over at Kevin Jablonski’s Paper.li “Detroit Nerd Daily” news aggregator. This event on March 13th will be the kickoff for what we plan to be an annual event.

“Network Michigan” is the natural evolution of what we’ve been doing since 2001, but with the doors thrown open. Now, put down the pitchforks and torches…ITintheD.com isn’t going anywhere, and will not be changing in any capacity. We’ll still be doing our events every month, they’ll still be focused on information technology in metro Detroit, they’ll still bounce around to various locations, and of course they’ll still always be free. Network Michigan is simply a response to an overwhelming number of requests that we’ve received to do what we do for the IT industry in other areas of the state, and for other industries as well. Network Michigan events won’t compete with ITintheD.com events, and we’ll actually be opening it up so that any other group in the area from just about any industry out there that’s already running events can use the website as a platform to get themselves out there a bit further.
It feels good to finally have that out there.
In the coming weeks, we’ll throw some more details out as things continue to gel, but we wanted to at least get this out there to you.