You’re Welcome, Mayor Bing

Look, I’m not saying that Mayor Bing is totally using our idea…

…oh, wait, that’s exactly what I’m saying.

Remember that idea we put out there about how to deal with abandoned buildings in Detroit?

So, funny news story broke today…

See, we had put this – – out there back in April.

And a lot of people laughed at me about it.  How I wasn’t thinking things through, how it wasn’t really do-able…

Oh yeah?  Read this, chumps:

Tourists paying to help fight Detroit’s fires: Is this idea for real?

Yeah…that’s the headline.  Who’s not thinking things through NOW, people?

And I swear I have a screen capture somewhere of when Bob tweeted our story at Bing back when it went live…oh, I’ll find it…I…will…find…it… 🙂