It’s almost time.
Casual networking event for Information Technology professionals here in metro Detroit tomorrow night downtown.
We’ve got the usual fun and excitement taking place in our LinkedIn group, some reading material out here on the site for you to check out, some other events taking place that you might want to check out if you have the time, our Facebook page continues to make me laugh, and all sorts of other good stuff.
So let’s get started…
First stop, our event.
Tomorrow night. Downtown. Detroit Beer Company. Private room up on the 3rd floor. 5:01pm start time. Plenty of parking in the area, and easily accessed via the People Mover as well.
Details on our site: or on LinkedIn:
If you’re looking for a map, I’d recommend the details on our site – – just because that include a handy dandy Google map.
Looks like it’s shaping up to be our best downtown event yet from an attendance perspective, so we’re really looking forward to seeing everyone there.
Remember: Upstairs, 3rd floor, private room.
One more time: Upstairs. 3rd floor. Private room.
See you there!

A couple of pretty solid older blog entries bubbled back up that are worth a read if you’re a relative newcomer and haven’t read through all of the babbling that we’ve done on the site over the years.
Don’t Be That Guy: The Fallen Angel out at is actually a watered down version of one of those rants that will never see the light of day. We’ve told you those exist – sometimes we just need to write down exactly how much and to what degree someone sucks in order to get it out of our heads…but then we realize that it’s probably a little too personal, or a little too over the top…and so they sit in draft mode forever. But the basic points of the mega-rant were still worth mentioning, and so this version went live. It’s a good read.
Lessons From a Child’s Toy over at dates back to just before our very first Pink Slip Party back in 2009. What started off as a really rough morning for me wound up evolving into a good parallel for both job seekers and recruiters to read though about dealing with people. Give it a look.
(subliminal message time: upstairs…third floor…private room…detroit beer company…)
Had a nice little shout out come our way, along with a little validation of how we do things. It was actually a pretty good week for members of our group with six new hires taking place this past week directly from our events, and the folks over at Vision Computer Solutions took a moment to mention us in relation to that – you can read about it over at
Speaking of how we do things…let’s talk about our Facebook page – – for a minute.
Here’s what I’ve learned: you really don’t care all that much about the blog posts that syndicate over there, you really don’t care when we make mention of random things that are taking place, our event listings there aren’t on your radar…
…but you love yourselves some random memes, whacky pictures, and funny screen shots, don’t you?
Yeah you do. Don’t bother hiding it. It’s okay, we’re cool with that, too. So, we’ll be having fun over at, hope you come join us there as well.
(subliminal message time: upstairs…third floor…private room…detroit beer company…)
And now…to the LinkedIn group.
You want discussions? We’ve got discussions. Come chat about:
– Another hire from our events:
– Know a good company that does background checks and drug screens? Can they make it to the event tomorrow night? (note: no, we will not be doing background checks and drug screens at our event tomorrow night…someone from the group just wants to meet and chat with a company that provides these services…just clarifying…)
– Ann Arbor Give Camp is coming up, and it’s a good way for you to get involved in helping non-profits that need assistance from geeks:
– I’m still convinced Google+ is…nothing? Useless? A waste of time? Who knows, but convince me that I’m wrong:
– There’s a whole, hidden pool of talent out there. Do you even know about them?
– Wolverine Technical Staffing is looking for a recruiter. You looking to be one?
– Outsourced jobs are coming back to the States. Here are seven reasons why:
…and of course there are more, but that’s a good starting point. You can always hop into and check out what’s going on.
Oh, jobs? Yeah, sure, there are jobs – – posted in the group all of the time by recruiters that come to our events. You know, like the one tomorrow night that you might want to be at if you happen to be looking for a job. (subliminal message time: upstairs…third floor…private room…detroit beer company…) Because…seriously…there’s someone who dropped us an email that’s driving in all the way from around Grand Rapids because she heard about us and hopes our group can help her get relocated back to the metro Detroit area. No pressure or anything, but if she can make that drive, you can deal with traffic on the Lodge. Just sayin’.
Remember, to get to the jobs that are actually posted by folks in our group (because, let’s be honest, LinkedIn can be kind of a confusing pain to understand), you go into our group, you hit the “Jobs” tab in our group – not in the main navigation way up top, but in the navigation bar for our group – and then you click on Career Discussions. Or you just click this link right here:
After you recover from our event tomorrow night, please remember that next week there’s a great event over at Uptown Grille in Commerce Township to help the Share A Smile organization. Details can be found here:
If you’re looking for some laughs (yes, I’m getting pretty heavily involved in this whole stand up comedy thing…my Mafia Wars addiction has finally met it’s match, and is being replaced by something that involves actual, physical interaction with people…go figure), then you should definitely check out The Detroit Funnies on Friday night. I went to the opening on 8/3 and had a blast, and have hit several open mic nights since then. Everyone needs a good laugh now and then, and when you add cheap drinks and decent food into the mix…well, that’s a winner. Check ’em out:
In case you didn’t know, this site is done with WordPress, and the WordCamp Detroit 2012 conference has been announced for October 6th down at the Madison. Details and registration can be found here:
I think that’s all for this week, folks. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow night!
(subliminal message time: upstairs…third floor…private room…detroit beer company…)
Bob, Dave and Jeff
On the web:
On LinkedIn:
On Facebook:
On Twitter:
On Meetup: