“That’s when you go downtown…where the cabs don’t stop…” – Little Shop of Horrors
Yes, I’m opening up this week with showtunes. Can’t help it. I was in a production of that years ago, and to this day every time I hear the word “downtown”, this song is trapped in my head all day long. I’ve been busted by my wife walking in the house as I was belting out Suddenly Seymore after stumbling across it on a movie channel, so you’ve got nothing on me. I’m good with who I am.
We are indeed heading back downtown (there it goes again) for an event though, in case you missed the news. Two weeks from tomorrow, to be specific.
In the meantime, there are plenty of blog entries for you to read, a comedy club opening Friday night that you should be at, and other fun stuff taking place, so let’s get started…
As always, we start with the details on our next event.

Thursday, August 16th. Downtown. Detroit Beer Company. 5:01pm start time like always. Totally free like always. No cover charges, no agendas, no sales pitches…just a casual networking event with some of the best folks in the metro Detroit Information Technology industry that you’ll ever want to meet. Looking forward to seeing everyone there, especially some new faces as we continue to move our events around the area. You can find the details:
On our site: http://www.ITinTheD.com/meet/
On LinkedIn: http://linkd.in/GR0eiX
As always, you don’t have to do so, but RSVP’ing on LinkedIn is a nice way of letting us keep an eye on what we should be expecting.
Now, while you’re waiting for our next event to come around, we’ve got some old blog entries that have resurfaced and you might want to check out. Whenever we try to partner with someone on something, whacky mayhem tends to ensue…and it’s not even our fault. Usually.
Okay, at least it wasn’t our fault when Don’t Be That Guy: Baron Von Shush – http://www.ITinTheD.com/2575/dont-be-that-guy-baron-von-shush/ – took place.
We try to make things work and not have fault rest on our shoulders…why? Because we believe in karma. We always joke that what we get out of this group is burning off bad karma from our early 20’s, and then along came the day when I wrote My Name Is Earl – http://www.ITinTheD.com/2520/my-name-is-earl/ – because karma can be a really funny thing.
The other funny thing that’s been pointed out to me is that I obviously like fishtanks, which I do, but that doesn’t mean that The Betta Fish – http://www.ITinTheD.com/2633/dont-be-that-guy-the-betta-fish/ is any less dead-on when it comes to dealing with personality types in the office.
Well, I guess that brings us to our LinkedIn group out at http://www.linkedin.com/groups?home=&gid=91763
As per usual, there are some decent topics being discussed in there. Things like:
– An interesting technical interview question that has someone stumped, and they’d like some feedback/input: http://lnkd.in/GA3gBX
– The fear companies have about putting their IT staff through training…no matter how many studies show that’s exactly what you should be doing: http://lnkd.in/cMeUEu
– MTV is coming to town (heaven help us all), and they’re looking for Detroiters aged 13-25 for a show they’re doing about people trying to make things better: http://lnkd.in/4bGG_9
– Oh look…yet another hire from our last Pink Slip Party: http://lnkd.in/dKAusa
– Google fiber. To the house. For $120/month? Yes, please: http://lnkd.in/SZcpXU
– Did you hit Maker Faire over the weekend? http://lnkd.in/mMCBM3
– How an intensive training program is helping people get ready for gigs in IT: http://lnkd.in/dH2Zeq
…and more. Always more. There are always jobs posted in there by recruiters who come to our events and participate in our group, so you’ll want to check out the Career Discussions area over at http://www.linkedin.com/groups?careerDiscussion=&gid=91763 to see those.
I believe the golf outing we’ve got a hand in is getting rescheduled for September. Why? Because a Monday just wasn’t really gonna work out too well for a lot of people, and let’s make this actually work.
Looking into the future a little bit…we’re starting to get organized (believe it or not) for our event in December. We are absolutely committed to doing something phenomenal again this year for the troops…and I’m pretty sure that’s what’s gonna happen. Stay tuned for details as we get closer.
One last note before we wrap up. Those of you who were at our Clubhouse BFD event last month probably met Sidney and heard about his comedy club opening up Friday night. Well, that’s this Friday night. I’m going, I know a few others are going…so hop on over to http://www.thedetroitfunnies.com/ if you’re looking for something to do Friday night that should be a good time.
Bob, Dave and Jeff
On the web: http://www.ITinTheD.org
On LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups?home=&gid=91763
On Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ITintheD
On Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ITintheD
On Meetup: http://meetup.ITinTheD.org