You know it’s free Slurpee day, right?
How do you not know that it’s free Slurpee day?
And how is it that I can say or think the word “slurpee” as I drive past two to three 7-11’s each day both to and from work but I never thought it looked…dirty…until I just typed it out?
Giggity. My inner 11 year old will be giggling all day now. Awesome.
But enough about my immaturity…let’s get to the mountain of topics that we have to dive into here today…

But still…don’t forget your free slurpee.
Yes, I just giggled again.
Sorry. I’ll try and contain myself from here on out.
As always…first thing’s first. Our next event.
New location, same great group.
Next Thursday – July 19th. Clubhouse BFD. Rochester Hills. 5:01pm start time.
Really looking forward to kicking back at this new location – they’ve got a phenomenal beer selection, great drink menu, and the food’s of a high quality as well. Yes, it’s the trifecta for a good start to the evening’s activities.
Details are available here on our site – – or on LinkedIn at
Looking forward to seeing everyone there.
We’ve gotten ourselves wrapped up in a golf outing. You knew it was going to happen eventually…it was inevitable. If you’re into golf, or hate breast cancer, just want to come watch me make a fool of myself, or ideally if you’d like to take advantage of our lifting the “no sponsors” rule to make sure that The Pink Fund gets a great result from this event…
…oh, I didn’t mention that? Yeah. Charity. 501c3. Deductible donations. Sponsorships. Seriously, just go read already – This is a cause that’s near and dear to me, so I want this to be successful. I might not hate you all if it flops…but do you really want to take that chance? We all know how I can get.
Our events are now fully booked out through the end of the year. Which means, naturally, that we’re already starting to think about next year. And so we’re conducting some completely unscientific research and asking your opinion on where we should have events in 2013. You can hop on over to and chime in.
A new Don’t Be That Guy went live since our last update, and that’s Premature Ejection Guy over at, because, well, it had to be written. No really, it HAD to be written. I had someone at our Pink Slip Party tell me that he would nag me until I wrote it…and, well, he wasn’t kidding. So I wrote it.
Speaking of Don’t Be That Guy entries…you may have noticed that some older entries are resurfacing on the site. We’ve long lamented that we have so much good content “buried” because it’s old and nobody goes digging to find things and want everything served up on a platter…well, we got a platter. And a spoon. And a cool little plugin that will find our old, buried Don’t Be That Guy, How Not To Suck, and other entries that stay relevant and bubble them up to the surface again. So far it’s found some good ones, too. Like Social Networking Class Guy –, the BS Generator –, the LinkedIn Prostitution Ring –, and The Bad Recruiter – for starters.
It’s nice to see some of those resurface. Hell, I’d forgotten about one of them, and I just dumped them all into a single doc for a book editor not too long ago.
Okay, so I’ve told you about free slurpee (giggity) day, the golf outing, the Clubhouse BFD event on the 19th, some Don’t Be That Guy posts…
…so that brings us to our LinkedIn group. A place where more than 3500 of your close friends, peers, and a whole bunch of people you’ve never met in the metro Detroit IT industry are hanging out and chatting about all sorts of good stuff. GM going from 90% outsourced to 10%. What a job seeker wants to see in a job posting. Why some idiot thinks his public posts on Twitter are “confidential” and “private”. All that and more can be found in there, so hop on in – – and start talking.
And while you’re there, make sure you hop into the Career Discussions area (it’s under the Jobs tab) at to see what’s being posted by the recruiters who are in our group and come to our events.
As a random aside on the jobs topic, Mercedes Benz Financial Services is having a career fair for IT folks late this afternoon into the evening. You can check out the details on that event here:
I’m going to sidebar here for just a moment to get something…a bit heavy…out of the way.
Those of you who have been around the group for a while will remember our “Meet The Troops” profiles that we did leading up to our event back in December. If so, then you’ll remember Aaron Ullom, the last profile that we published. Tomorrow is the anniversary of Aaron’s death. I had a really nasty day when I was sitting down to write this…and going back and reading what I wrote about Aaron over at helped me get my perspective back.
In the early evening on Thursday, his family and friends are gathering for a ceremony to honor his memory. Some together in one location back here in Michigan. Some overseas still on duty. Some scattered around the country. Doesn’t matter where they are, and I’m not asking you to go hunt down a Facebook group or take part in anything…but I would appreciate it if sometime around 7pm Thursday, just take a moment of silence, relax, and remember that there are people sacrificing their lives so that you can have that moment.
I think we’ll close on that note.
Bob, Dave and Jeff
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