Owning Your Past, Communication, Events and More for 3/28/2012



So it’s been an interesting week since the last update.

A couple of blog entries went out – one about owning your past so that it can’t hurt your present or future, and the other a How Not To Suck entry about communications when you’re running a networking group.

We had our event at BlackFinn this past Thursday, and yep, a camera crew was there.  And it was a pretty damned great event, even aside from that.

There’s a bunch of conversations going on in the LinkedIn group, as well as jobs.

We’ve got our next event coming up on April 19th…and in fact now we’re booked out through September.

Good times.  Let’s get to the details…

Our next event will be on Thursday, April 19th at Tipsy McStaggers in Warren.  Yes, that’s really the name of the place.  No, I cannot get the song “Everybody in the club gettin’ tipsy” out of my head.  Expect me to annoy you with that until we’re past this one.

As always, you can find the details on our site at http://www.ITinTheD.com/meet/ or over on LinkedIn at http://linkd.in/A0x8N0

There’s a good example of why you need to own your past…don’t hide from things, don’t deny who you are, and always be “you” over at http://www.ITinTheD.com/3237/own-your-past-so-it-never-threatens-your-present-or-future/

If you read How Not To Suck at Starting a Networking Group over at http://www.ITinTheD.com/2748/how-not-to-suck-at-starting-a-networking-group/ and decided to go ahead and do it, then you might want to check out How Not To Suck at Running a Networking Group – Communication out at http://www.ITinTheD.com/3218/hnts-networking-group-communication/

In our LinkedIn group over at http://www.linkedin.com/groups/ITintheDorg-Detroit-Networking-Events-IT-91763, we’ve had a really great conversation going about the whole “job seekers getting asked for their Facebook user id and password” debacle, as well as a number of good topics.  Head over and dive in.

While you’re there, if you’re in the market, hop in to check out some jobs from the recruiters in our group at http://www.linkedin.com/groups?careerDiscussion=&gid=91763

I think we’ll keep it low key and stop there.  You’ve got all of the links you need to find what you’re looking for by now.


Bob, Dave and Jeff

On the web: http://www.ITinTheD.org
On LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups?home=&gid=91763
On Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ITintheD
On Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ITintheD
On Meetup: http://ITintheD.meetup.com