Free Tickets ARE GONE For Using Social Media to Find Your Next Position/Employee Event Thursday Night



UPDATE: all spoken for, folks.  Sorry.  Read on to pick up your own though!

I’ve got a few free tickets to Thursday night’s Using Social Media to Find Your Next Position/Employee panel discussion that I’m moderating.

So if you’re interested in attending…

…really, all I ask is that you be someone that actually needs the tickets.  They’re only $10, so I’d prefer that someone in need of a job grab these.

Basically, I’m putting my money where my mouth is.  We don’t usually do anything that’s pay to play (and yes, I really appreciate all of the emails, texts and phone calls that I’ve gotten telling me that I suck…really, thanks for keeping me honest…jerks [chuckle]) in nature.  So, I thought it’d be a good idea to pick up a few tickets to giveaway to people that might want to go, but don’t want to / can’t spend the $10 to be there.

You can read the details on the event here:

I’d prefer it if someone looking for a job or in need takes these off my hands.  Read: “don’t be greedy”.

Anyway, a couple have already been spoken for, but I’ve still got a few left.  Discussion’s in our LinkedIn group – – or just drop me a note.  When they’re gone, they’re gone, so please don’t assume that just firing off a note means you should show up and expect that I’ll have a ticket waiting for you.  I know I have a bad habit of taking forever to reply to emails from time to time, but I’ll touch base with you to let you know that I’ve got you covered if that’s the case.  I really will, honest.

And I’ll pull this (or at least update it, since I hate deleting things) once they’re gone.  Or try to.  It’s kind of a hectic day.