Don’t Be That Guy—ChatGPT Edition



(Originally posted on LinkedIn)

20 years ago, I wrote the very first “Don’t Be That Guy” blog entry. That turned into 100+ additional entries, all true stories of people we dealt with in business and networking, albeit none of them have ever been named.

Well, like all good things, it’s time DBTG has come to an end. Why you ask? Well, since the advent of ChatGPT, we don’t need to write anymore, it will write everything for us.

And with that, I give you ChatGPT’s version, and last edition of “Don’t Be That Guy”.

Don’t Be That Guy: A Guide to Avoiding Unwanted Behaviors

We all know “that guy”—the one who’s always causing trouble, acting obnoxious, or generally making everyone else uncomfortable. But what if you’re the one inadvertently making others feel uncomfortable? Here are some tips on how to avoid being “that guy”:

  1. Don’t Be Rude or Condescending: It’s important to treat everyone with respect and kindness, regardless of their background, job, or social status. Don’t belittle or talk down to others just because you think you’re better than them.
  2. Respect Other People’s Personal Space: Be mindful of other people’s personal space and avoid invading it without their permission. Don’t stand too close or touch someone without their consent.
  3. Don’t Make Inappropriate Comments: Be careful what you say, especially around people you don’t know very well. Avoid making inappropriate jokes or comments about someone’s appearance, gender, race, or religion.
  4. Don’t Drink Too Much: Drinking too much alcohol can impair your judgment and lead to poor decision-making. Know your limits and drink responsibly to avoid becoming “that guy” who’s always causing trouble at parties.
  5. Don’t Be a Bully: Bullying is never acceptable, no matter what the circumstances are. Don’t make fun of or intimidate others, and don’t try to assert your dominance over them.
  6. Be Mindful of Others’ Feelings: Pay attention to how others are feeling and try to be empathetic. Don’t dismiss someone’s emotions or tell them to “get over it.”
  7. Don’t Be Disrespectful of Authority: Whether it’s a boss, a teacher, or a police officer, show respect to those in positions of authority. Don’t talk back or act belligerent towards them.
  8. Be a Good Listener: Listen to what others have to say and try to understand their point of view. Don’t interrupt or talk over them, and don’t dismiss their ideas without giving them a fair hearing.

By following these tips, you can avoid becoming “that guy” and ensure that you’re always treating others with respect and kindness. Remember, being a good person isn’t just about avoiding bad behavior—it’s about actively trying to make the world a better place for everyone.