MarkLogic and Steve Acho In Studio Tonight, Event Updates and More for 3/20/2017



Survived another great Pink Slip Party event, and even made it through St Patrick’s Day the very next day kicking off with a live broadcast way too early in the morning that we agreed to do for some unknown reason, and so it’s time to get back in the studio tonight for episode 188 of our weekly live broadcast from the Podcast Detroit studios.  We’ve also got a couple blog entries for you, our April networking events are just around the corner, and more…

Like we always do, let’s start off with our upcoming in-person networking events.

After our Pink Slip Party Thursday night at the Majestic, we always see a bit of a “bump” in the following month’s event…and now that we’re doing two a month, it should be interesting to see what happens this time around at both.

Our first event in April will be on Tuesday the 4th, and it will be at Pretzel Bell in Ann Arbor.

The second will be on Thursday the 20th in the familiar stomping grounds of the back room of the BlackFinn in Royal Oak.

Both events start at 5pm, no cover charges, no speakers, no crazy people trying to sell you fruit baskets or manage your 401k…just great networking with some of the best and brightest folks in the information technology community.

As always, details on this and all of our events can be found on our Facebook page, in our Meetup group, or here on our website

Of course we’ll be talking about those events tonight, as well as recapping last week’s Pink Slip Party at the Majestic, during tonight’s live broadcast.

It’s episode 188, and so it’s an intro full of 1988 references and break songs from that year as well as we’re joined by MarkLogic and Steve Acho.

We’ll be talking NoSQL and the tech industry in general, as well as some hints and tips to help you in your job search tonight, so listen in.

The mics go live at 9pm, so grab the Podcast Detroit app – – and tune in to studio 1 to hear all of the fun.

All of our blog entries are in “Read”:

Information about our events are in “Meet”:

Info about our live broadcasts are in “Listen”:

Everything about the Career Academy program and more opportunities are in “Learn” at

You can post jobs and even share your resume with recruiters we approve of in “Work”:

Videos can be found at “Watch”:

Deals and savings can be found at

Our media kit and information for sponsors can be found at

That’s all for this time.  See you in-person at our events in the coming weeks, and listen live tonight!


IT in the D
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