Detroit Hispanic Development Corporation, iOS Development On Tonight’s Show, Events and More for 2/27/2017



Well, we survived the weekend at Great Lakes Comic Con (admittedly just barely…but more about that tonight…) and so we’re joined tonight for episode 185 of our weekly podcast from the Podcast Detroit studios by Elyse to chat about the Detroit Hispanic Development Corporation, and Anne to talk about iOS development and why she’s thinking about firing up a podcast on the topic.  Plus we have our event in Ann Arbor next week, a Pink Slip Party the week after that, and all of the usual nonsense you’ve come to expect from us…

So let’s start with our events.

First up, we’ve got our Ann Arbor group getting things rolling on Tuesday, March 7th over at Conor O’Neill’s for one of our casual networking socials.

Hang out, get to know people, have a drink, chat, and most importantly network with some of the best people in the area.  We’re really happy to be getting back to Ann Arbor, so this should be a good thing.

The following week, we’ve got our first Pink Slip Party of 2017 taking place downtown at the Majestic Theater on Thursday, March 16th.

We still have one more sponsor slot open if you want to get your company in front of a ton of people in the best possible manner.  These events have had more than a 1,000 people at them in the past – all metro Detroit, all in and around the information technology community here in the area, and all people you probably want to meet and get to know.  Check out the details here:

As always, details on this and all of our events can be found on our Facebook page, in our Meetup group, or here on our website

Of course we’ll chat about those events and more during tonight’s broadcast.

For episode 185, we’re going to get a crash course on a couple of pretty cool topics.

We’ve got Elyse chatting about the Detroit Hispanic Development Corporation, a non-profit organization committed to making a difference by creating life changing opportunities for youth and their families.

And we’ve also got Anne, who’s joining us to talk about life as an iOS developer, and why she’s interested in launching a podcast.

All of that and more tonight!

The mics go live at 9pm, so grab the Podcast Detroit app – – and tune in to studio 1 to hear all of the fun.

All of our blog entries are in “Read”:

Information about our events are in “Meet”:

Info about our live broadcasts are in “Listen”:

Everything about the Career Academy program and more opportunities are in “Learn” at

You can post jobs and even share your resume with recruiters we approve of in “Work”:

Videos can be found at “Watch”:

Deals and savings can be found at

Our media kit and information for sponsors can be found at

That’s all for this time.  See you in-person at our event next week, and listen live tonight!


IT in the D
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