Announcing: Ann Arbor Chapter and Events Starting in March



In the long history of IT in the D, dating all the way back to our first events in 2001, we can, unfortunately, count on one hand the number of events that we’ve done in Ann Arbor.  It’s not that we don’t like Ann Arbor…we do…it’s just that we don’t have as many contacts out that way, and we’ve never really been pulled very hard into heading in that direction….and we’re pretty steadfast on getting pulled into things rather than trying to push our way into them.  Well, now we’ve been pulled…and it’s going to be a good thing…

On Tuesday, March 7th…a new era begins.

In addition to our regularly scheduled events on the third Thursday of every month, we’ll also have events taking place the first week of the month in Ann Arbor.

The first of these events takes place on Tuesday, March 7 at Conor O’Neill’s in Ann Arbor…which is actually where we last ran an Ann Arbor event, so it’s great to see that this is where things are kicking off again.

While we may not be on-hand ourselves to run things, we’ve got three more than capable folks who have stepped up and beaten us into submission about their ability to do things our way and with our core principles in mind.

Emily is a Technical Recruiter with Conexess Group in Plymouth, MI who loves live music, craft beer and is not ashamed to admit how obsessed she is with true crime ANYTHING (shout out to the Serial podcast for reigniting the flame – it’s a slow burning death of free time from here on out).  Not always the most tech savvy individual, Emily has really enjoyed immersing herself in the growing tech industry in Detroit through staffing and networking with IT professionals in the area and finds this to be the epicenter of her job satisfaction as a recruiter.  Always a social butterfly, she has found herself at home when meeting new friends and candidates at networking events such as the IT in the D meetups and hopefully, helping people connect with each other and with the amazing opportunities available in Detroit in order to find what they’re looking for in their career (or at least, share a laugh or 5 over a beer or three 🙂 ).  We spend something like, 57% of our waking time at work – why not make it the best time possible?!

Randy Walker is enthusiastic about tech and he shares that enthusiasm in what he does. By day, he writes documentation for network monitoring software at Nokia. In his free time, he teaches programming classes for Girl Develop It Detroit and co-organizes the Metro Detroit WordPress Meetup group. Randy is an IT in the D groupie who attends most of the Casual Networking Meetups and Pink Slip Parties and he blows up Twitter live-tweeting the weekly podcast.

(he’s not kidding…he was “that crazy guy on Twitter” before he showed up at an event…)

Spencer Danehy is an Account Executive from Optomi and is a local to Ann Arbor, MI. Most days you can find him either talking with random strangers about their day or playing sports like Soccer, Golf, or Basketball. After falling in love with IT in the D, he wanted to help expand it to Ann Arbor where the startup industry is beginning to explode! He enjoys learning about all things tech and learning the new trends that are coming for future generations. All he wishes is to connect people together so that everyone can be successful or at the very least share a few drinks together!

(relax…we talked with him about the tie thing…)

So there you have it.  Doubling up on events starting in March, and very happy to get something rolling in the Ann Arbor area.

As always, details on this and all of our events can be found on our Facebook page, in our Meetup group, or here on our website