Bamboo Detroit, Detroit Convention and Visitor’s Bureau In Studio Tonight, Event Thursday and More for 11/14/2016



We’ve got Bamboo Detroit and the Detroit Convention and Visitor’s Bureau joining us in-studio tonight, our casual networking event is Thursday, there’s the Activ8 event at Emagine theater Wednesday, we had a great weekend at Fantasticon, and all sorts of good stuff to chat about tonight…

14713799_791995660942942_6492717357055137805_nAs always, we start with our next upcoming in-person event.

Our next casual networking social will be taking place on Thursday, November 17th at the Firebird Tavern downtown.  We’ll be upstairs again, and we’ve come to really like this venue, so we hope to see you there.

Start time is 5pm, and there are no cover charges, no speeches, no sales pitches, no trying to get you to sign up for a mailing list that will clutter your inbox for eternity…just good, solid networking with some of the best folks in the metro Detroit information technology community.

1962288_642048052604371_1910472353081442468_oDetails for that event…and all of the others we do…can be found here on the site –, on our Facebook page –, or in our Meetup group –

…and it’s not too early to start thinking about our annual charity event, either, since that’s just around the corner, too.  That’ll be taking place on Thursday, December 8th, over at Falling Down Beer Company.

itinthednewspaper11142016We’ll be talking about all that and more during tonight’s live broadcast of episode 171 of the IT in the D podcast live from the Podcast Detroit studios.

Listen in as we talk about Bamboo’s co-working space and their expansion, as well as other events coming up around the area that you’ll want to be paying attention to.

Should be a fun night of good conversations…always is when we get this group together.

Should be a fun, informative episode, so grab the Podcast Detroit app – – and tune in tonight at 9pm to Studio 1.

14859678_898179433617044_2881126610067335432_oActiv8’s gaming night at Emagine is at

All of our blog entries are in “Read”:

Information about our events are in “Meet”:

Info about our live broadcasts are in “Listen”:

Everything about the Career Academy program and more opportunities are in “Learn” at

You can post jobs and even share your resume with recruiters we approve of in “Work”:

Videos can be found at “Watch”:

Deals and savings can be found at

Our media kit and information for sponsors can be found at

That’s all for this time.  See you in-person at our event Thurday night, and listen live tonight!


The Guys
IT in the D
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