Live Broadcast Tonight, Resume Workshop Thursday, Pink Slip Party in Two Weeks and More for 8/29/2016



We’ve arrived at episode 160 of our weekly broadcast, and in case you don’t know, that’s something of a funny milestone for us.  We’ve got an event this Thursday night at Blackfinn for those looking to get their resumes tuned up, and our Pink Slip Party event is just two weeks away.  There are also blogs, our Facebook page, and the usual fun and nonsense you’ve come to expect from us on deck as well…

14102741_759299910879184_7738268798112049027_nSo let’s start with our just recently added pre-Pink Slip Party resume workshop with our friends from Arrow Strategies.

It’s this Thursday, September 1st (seriously, how in the hell is it already September?!), and it’ll start at our usual starting time of 5pm.  Come on out, hang, get your resume looked over and make sure you’re good to go for our Pink Slip Party.

There will be recruiters on hand to critique, give tips, hints and advice on resumes, so yep, we’re breaking our rule about not bringing resumes to events just this once, because we’re good with making sure your resumes are solid heading into…

EventNewspaper_SepPSP2016Our Pink Slip Party event.

On Thursday, September 15th, we’ll be heading back to take over The Majestic for one of our Pink Slip Party events.

If you’re not familiar with these events and why they’re a little different from our monthly casual networking socials, then you should definitely read the FAQ we put together, but in a nutshell, they’re larger and more specifically geared towards helping people find jobs.  People still come to meet and expand their networks, but a lot more recruiters tend to show up for these.

Details for that event…and all of the others we do…can be found here on the site –, on our Facebook page –, or in our Meetup group –

ITintheDnewspaper08292016bOf course we’ll be talking about all that and more during episode 160 tonight of our weekly podcast, broadcasting live from the Podcast Detroit studios.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…

…okay, like three and a half years ago while we were launching the show downtown, Bob predicted that by episode 16, we would have run out of things to talk about, would have killed each other, or both.  Well, here we are at 10 times that number, and we’re still rolling right along.

Tonight we’re joined by the guys from Detroitcast, as well as international women’s auctioneer champion Beth Rose.

PD_mic_Twitter_500x500…as always, you should listen live to hear it all…and as we keep telling you, you’d do well to grab the Podcast Detroit app for Android or iOS and listen that way.  You can find those apps here:  The app was just recently updated to make finding out information about new shows, as well as catching show archives, a lot easier.

The mics go live starting at 9pm, and we hope you join us.

If you’re curious about what this “Podcast Detroit” thing is we keep talking about and referencing, you should probably give this a read:

Info about Thursday’s event is at

The Pink Slip Party announcement is at

8LLZRA good story about one time when I lost my mind is at

We sincerely hate Feeding Off The Unemployed Guy:

You too can lose a job in eight simple words:

A good primer with the PSP coming up, The 10 Commandments of Networking

All of our blog entries are in “Read”:

Information about our events are in “Meet”:

Info about our live broadcasts are in “Listen”:

Everything about the Career Academy program and more opportunities are in “Learn” at

You can post jobs and even share your resume with recruiters we approve of in “Work”:

Videos can be found at “Watch”:

Deals and savings can be found at

Our media kit and information for sponsors can be found at

That’s all for this time.  See you in-person at our event next week, and listen live tonight!


The Guys
IT in the D
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