Pre-Pink Slip Party Resume Review Session with Arrow Strategies



Our friends at Arrow Strategies approached us with an offer we couldn’t refuse.

No, there were no horse heads in our beds, or vows that either our signatures or brains would be on a contract…no, they said they wanted to do an event like the ones we do, but specifically geared towards helping people with their resumes before the upcoming Pink Slip Party.

After a little back and forth figuring things out, we’re all set and good to go…

EventNewspaper_Sep12016…and so on Thursday, September 1st, two weeks before our Pink Slip Party event at The Majestic, we’ll be in the familiar stomping grounds of the back room of the Blackfinn in Royal Oak.

Details can be found here on the site –, on our Facebook page –, or in our Meetup group –

No cover, just come hang out and get your resume reviewed.