Live Broadcast Tonight, A Thank You, Pink Slip Party Coming Up, Blogs and More for 8/22/2016



We’d be horribly remiss if we didn’t start this update out with a huge “thank you” to Randy, Ian, Ray, and the rest of our merry band of misfits, uhhh, “regulars”…who held down the fort for us Thursday night at Blackfinn while we were unavailable.  On a brighter front, we’ve got a great show on deck tonight for episode 159 of the IT in the D podcast from the Podcast Detroit studios.  We’ve also got some blog entries, our next Pink Slip Party event now on deck and rapidly approaching, and more…

EventNewspaper_SepPSP2016Now, as always, we start with our next upcoming event.

On Thursday, September 15th, we’ll be heading back to take over The Majestic for one of our Pink Slip Party events.

If you’re not familiar with these events and why they’re a little different from our monthly casual networking socials, then you should definitely read the FAQ we put together, but in a nutshell, they’re larger and more specifically geared towards helping people find jobs.  People still come to meet and expand their networks, but a lot more recruiters tend to show up for these.

We also only have one more sponsor slot left for that event, so if you want a larger presence at an event focused on the IT industry here in metro Detroit, give this a read and then drop us a note:

Details for that event…and all of the others we do…can be found here on the site –, on our Facebook page –, or in our Meetup group –

And again, seriously, thank you to the crew for helping us out while we were at a wake and dealing with a friend’s death this past Thursday night.  It certainly wasn’t the best of times, but it was amazing knowing that we had people willing and able to handle things…really makes us even happier and more proud of what we’ve built with this group, so “thank you”.

ITintheDnewspaper08222016bI’m sure we’ll touch on those two topics tonight as episode 159 of our IT in the D podcast goes live.

Tonight we’re joined by Delphinus Medical Technologies, the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC), and Billy Strawter from both Social Media Coop Detroit and a relatively new show on our network called “The Scoop”.

Should be a great set of conversations.

a href=”” rel=”attachment wp-att-17524″>PD_mic_Twitter_500x500…as always, you should listen live to hear it all…and as we keep telling you, you’d do well to grab the Podcast Detroit app for Android or iOS and listen that way.  You can find those apps here:  The app was just recently updated to make finding out information about new shows, as well as catching show archives, a lot easier.

The mics go live starting at 9pm, and we hope you join us.

If you’re curious about what this “Podcast Detroit” thing is we keep talking about and referencing, you should probably give this a read:

7bfastThe message and meanings of movies changes over time because of our perceptions, so you should probably give 7 Career Lessons You Missed From The Breakfast Club a read at

We’re always having conversations about networking with people, and this Q&A session with an old friend really sums up the majority of them:

dbtgbirdsSome of those conversations are analogy based, and even Angry Birds can teach you about networking properly:

We’ve often pointed out that networking, dating, job searches, and friendships have a ton in common.  Like when someone says “It’s not you, it’s me“, it’s probably you:

How Not To Suck at Interviewing for a Job is a three part series that we’ve heard gets handed out by companies around the area, so you might want to read what to do the day before, the day of, and the day after your interview.

All of our blog entries are in “Read”:

Information about our events are in “Meet”:

Info about our live broadcasts are in “Listen”:

Everything about the Career Academy program and more opportunities are in “Learn” at

You can post jobs and even share your resume with recruiters we approve of in “Work”:

Videos can be found at “Watch”:

Deals and savings can be found at

Our media kit and information for sponsors can be found at

That’s all for this time.  See you in-person at our event next week, and listen live tonight!


The Guys
IT in the D
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