Well, we’re counting down the final days of 2015, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have a lot going on.
We’ve got a recap of our event from the 10th you should check out along with a bunch of other blog entries, we have every event for 2016 booked out and published, there are still two more episodes of our weekly live podcast broadcast including tonight’s with Mophie in-studio with us…and we’ve already busily booking some pretty cool guests for episodes in 2016, the usual mayhem and nonsense on our Facebook page and on Twitter, ongoing discussions in our LinkedIn group and more…
Let’s get this party started with our events in 2016.
Our first casual networking event of 2016 will take place on Thursday, January 21st over at Firebird Tavern downtown. We had a great event there last year, and we’re looking forward to kicking things off for 2016 there.
As always…no cover charges, no agendas, no speakers, no anything other than good, solid networking possibilities with some of the best and brightest folks in and around the information technology community here in metro Detroit.
We have all of our events already scheduled and published out for the whole year of 2016, so you have no excuses about not knowing when or where our events are. Mark your calendars now.
Details can be found here on the site – https://itinthed.com/meet/, on our Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/ITinTheD, or in our Meetup group – http://www.meetup.com/ITintheD/
January 21, 2016 at Firebird Tavern downtown. Facebook. Meetup.
February 18, 2016 at Hamlin Corner in Royal Oak. Facebook. Meetup.
March 10, 2016. Our first Pink Slip Party event of 2016 at Majestic Theater. Facebook. Meetup.
April 21, 2016 in the back room of Blackfinn in Royal Oak. Facebook. Meetup.
May 19, 2016 in the Huma Room at Hopcat downtown. Facebook. Meetup.
June 16, 2016 at Hamlin Corner in Royal Oak. Facebook. Meetup.
July 21, 2016 at Firebird Tavern downtown. Facebook. Meetup.
August 18, 2016 in the back room of Blackfinn in Royal Oak. Facebook. Meetup.
September 15, 2016. Our second Pink Slip Party event of 2016 at Majestic Theater. Facebook. Meetup.
October 20, 2016 in the back room of Blackfinn in Royal Oak. Facebook. Meetup.
November 17, 2016 in the Huma Room of Hopcat downtown. Facebook. Meetup.
December 8, 2016 at Falling Down Beer Co in Warren. Facebook. Meetup.
Naturally, that’ll be something we talk about tonight during episode 123 of our weekly podcast’s live broadcast.
We’ll be talking with Mophie.com, the makers of some incredibly cool cell phone cases and other accessories that you probably want to know about…
…and yeah, we’ve seen Star Wars, so we’ll probably be chatting about that a bit as well.
Mics go live at 9pm like always, so join us by listening live from 9pm to 11pm, and then hit us up by firing up Twitter and hitting @ITintheD during the show…and our phone line is up and operational as well. We love audience participation, so come along and play with us!
Listen live to hear it all happen…and as mentioned up above, you’d do well to grab the Podcast Detroit app for Android or iOS and listen that way. You can find those apps here: http://www.podcastdetroit.com/how-to-listen/ As our network continues to grow, mature, and add new shows, we’ll be re-purposing the IT in the D stream and app space for a second Podcast Detroit broadcasting avenue, so you might as well start listening there now, because that’s where we’re focusing our efforts. Plus, you can get some exposure to other great shows on our network.
Simply put, with over 30 shows running, there’s something for everyone. Check out the entire lineup at http://www.podcastdetroit.com/artist/ and start listening.
Blog entries? Oh sure, we’ve got some of those for you, too:
Last week’s episode with the National Kidney Foundation of Michigan and our thoughts on Star Wars before it came out can be found at https://itinthed.com/18147/it-in-the-d-episode-122-national-kidney-foundation-of-michigan-star-wars-the-force-awakens/
What happens when you annoy us? You vanish: https://itinthed.com/15844/the-vanishing/
Then there’s the Master Baiter…and this is the bane of all recruiters’ existence, so definitely a good read at https://itinthed.com/4644/the-master-baiter/
One of our least favorite people is the Drive-By Recruiter, and you can read about them at https://itinthed.com/5295/dont-be-that-guy-the-drive-by-recruiter/
Our recap of the charity event at Falling Down Beer Company on December 10th for Operation Kid Equip can be found at https://itinthed.com/18113/thank-you-all-of-you-again/
One of the first entries ever written, and a highly important one, LinkedIn Is Not A Video Game can be found at https://itinthed.com/7382/linkedin-is-not-a-video-game/
As you gear up for 2016, one of your resolutions should be to figure out how to maximize your networking time, and not being a serial networker is an important part of that: https://itinthed.com/5450/dont-be-that-guy-the-serial-networker/
And if you’re in the job market, don’t be The Bad Candidate: https://itinthed.com/1532/dbtg-the-bad-candidate/
That’s all for this week. Listen live tonight, and we’ll see you in a few weeks over at Firebird Tavern.

Oh, and most importantly…since we’re coming up on Christmas on Thursday, we just wanted to say, “hey…whatever it is that you celebrate…have a happy that”
You can catch any of the last episodes you’ve missed over at https://itinthed.com/listen/it-in-the-d-show-archives/
All of our blog entries are in “Read”: https://itinthed.com/read/
Information about our events are in “Meet”: https://itinthed.com/meet/
Info about our live broadcasts are in “Listen”: https://itinthed.com/listen/
You can post jobs and even share your resume with recruiters we approve of in “Work”: https://itinthed.com/work/
Our media kit and information for sponsors can be found at https://itinthed.com/sponsors/
The Guys
IT in the D
On the web: http://www.ITinTheD.com
On Meetup: http://www.meetup.com/ITintheD/
On LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/IT-in-D-91763
On Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ITintheD
On Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ITintheD
Podcast Detroit is at:
On the web: http://www.podcastdetroit.com/
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PodcastDetroit
On Twitter: https://twitter.com/PodcastDetroit
On Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/podcastdetroit