W3R and Daily Detroit Live In-Studio Tonight, Event Updates and More for 2/23/2015



Tonight is episode 80 of our weekly live broadcast, which means tonight kicks off an even more so than usual 80s-centric theme to our shows…so grab those leggings, Z Cav jeans and wrap-tip belts and come join us.  We’ve also got some blog entries for you to read, a whole bunch of updates about our upcoming events…including one of our always popular Pink Slip Party events, some notes from last week’s event at Blackfinn and more.

So on to some details…

DSC_0004bAs always, we start with our event updates.

Our next event will be a Pink Slip Party event, taking place on Thursday, March 19th at The Majestic Theater.

If you’re not familiar with our Pink Slip Party events…you should be.  They’re on a whole different level from our casual networking social events like the one we had at Blackfinn last week.  Our PSP events see as many as a thousand people show up, including over a hundred and fifty recruiters, tons of people specifically looking for jobs, and a whole bunch of folks just looking to meet people in the industry and extend their professional networks.

DSC_0148bSome of the details are the same.  They still start at 5pm.  There’s still no cover charge at the door for you to walk in.  Still no speeches, no agendas, no sales pitches for you to have to listen to, nothing like that.  No MLM people, no insurance folks, no fruit basket salespeople.  Just professionals in and around the information technology industry.  With over 1,200 people having found jobs through our events…well, we’re not saying you have to be here, but we’re definitely saying these are the best opportunities you’ll have to meet the people who will help you move your career forward…maybe not today, maybe not even tomorrow…but they’re the ones you want to turn to when it matters.

DSC_0043bA few things are different though.  Recruiters all get lanyards with a badge so they’re easily identifiable to those looking for gigs, and people looking for gigs also get a nametag so that they’re able to get picked out of the crowd as well.  Also unlike our other events, we have sponsors – and companies looking to hire and get in front of a ton of people, here’s your best opportunity.  Our sponsors are the only companies who get to setup a table (or hey, if you’ve got a trade show booth, drag that in and set that up if you want) and really have a presence at the event.  So go hit our Sponsors page at https://itinthed.com/sponsors/ and touch base with us.  We limit these on purpose, and we’re already almost completely full less than a week after announcing the date…that should tell you something right there.

Details can be found here on the site – https://itinthed.com/meet/, on our Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/ITinTheD, or in our Meetup group – http://www.meetup.com/ITintheD/

Main_1280x540_2_MeetAlso out there at those locations, you’ll find our other upcoming events…and we’re doing what we said we would, and so we’re doubling down on events starting in April and running two casual networking social events each month.  And it’s no joke, we’re starting that trend off on Wednesday, April 1st.  So, those of you who have told us that Thursday nights can be a pain for you to get to…we’re getting rid of that excuse for you, and we’d better see you there.

ITintheDnewspaper02232015bsmI’m sure we’ll be talking about that during tonight’s live broadcast as well, so tune in live to hear some details.

We’re joined tonight by one of our sponsors, W3R Consulting, as well as Daily Detroit.  With W3R, we’ll be talking about everything they’ve got going on these days, which includes an event this Wednesday that you’ll want to be at if you’ve ever been even remotely interested in a gig at Comerica.  You’ll be able to chat not only with the recruiters, hiring managers, and people you’d be working with, but the CTO will be there as well.  Check the details over at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/comerica-it-career-mixer-tickets-15591060281.  It doesn’t really get any better than that.  With Daily Detroit, we’ll be chatting about the news that just hit about fiber coming to downtown, some shenanigans going on with some local media outlets and more.

meetsurdu adSo join us by listening live from 9pm to 11pm, and then hit us up by calling 313.462.0107 or firing up Twitter and hitting @ITintheD during the show.  We love audience participation, so come along and play with us!  And as mentioned up above, tonight’s episode 80, so expect even more 80s than our normal episodes…you just might swallow some pop rocks, wash it down with a coke and die like Mikey from the Life cereal commercials…

Not sure how to listen live?  We’ve got instructions for you over here: https://itinthed.com/listen/how-to-listen/.  Missed any of our previous episodes?  We’ve got a page for that, too: https://itinthed.com/listen/it-in-the-d-show-archives/, including last week’s episode at https://itinthed.com/16594/episode-79-youngsoft-military-geeps-w3r/

Main_1280x540_1_ListenWant to know a little more about our weekly show, what it’s all about and why we do it?  Read https://itinthed.com/15982/what-is-the-it-in-the-d-show-detroit-technology-podcast/  Just need a high level overview?  Check out the basics at https://itinthed.com/listen/

Blog entries?  Oh my, do we have blog entries for you to read.

absoup3First up, we’ve got one about a trend that’s growing…and must be stopped.  The Alphabet Soup Recruiter.  You know who you are, and we’re here to tell you exactly why you suck and are damaging not only your own reputation, but your company’s as well: https://itinthed.com/16625/the-alphabet-soup-recruiter/

Twitter-FailSomething we don’t do all that often, and certainly haven’t done in a while, is have a guest blogger here on the site.  Well, we did, and it’s a great topic – How To Lose a Job in 8 Words – and it’s an important topic that you not only need to be aware of yourself, but we need to start hammering this stuff into our kids’ heads as well.  Go give it a read at https://itinthed.com/16554/how-to-lose-a-job-in-eight-words/

You Systems Administrators out there need to read this one: https://itinthed.com/2593/dont-be-that-guy-the-angry-system-administrator/

sharksealOne of our least favorite people is Feeding Off the Unemployed Guy: https://itinthed.com/141/feeding-off-the-unemployed-guy/

Here are five easy ways you can destroy your own job search: https://itinthed.com/14294/death-by-assumption-sabotaging-your-job-search-in-5-easy-steps/

Please…don’t be the HR Killjoy.  Let us have our moments.  Yes, you: https://itinthed.com/3912/the-hr-killjoy/

Hey…you know we’re on Facebook and Twitter right?  We are, and you should hook up with us there, too.  Catch us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ITinTheD and on Twitter at https://twitter.com/ITintheD

All of our blog entries are in “Read”: https://itinthed.com/read/

Information about our events are in “Meet”: https://itinthed.com/meet/

Info about our live broadcasts are in “Listen”: https://itinthed.com/listen/

You can post jobs and even share your resume with recruiters we approve of in “Work”: https://itinthed.com/work/

Our media kit and information for sponsors can be found at https://itinthed.com/sponsors/

That’s all for this time.  Don’t forget to listen live tonight from 9pm until 11pm for episode 80, and we’ll see you in just under a month at The Majestic for our Pink Slip Party event!


Bob, Dave and Jeff
IT in the D
On the web: http://www.ITinTheD.com
On Meetup: http://www.meetup.com/ITintheD/
On LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/IT-in-D-91763
On Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ITintheD
On Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ITintheD
On Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/itinthed/