MAT2 and Women in Tech Tonight, Event Thursday and More for 1/12/2015



It’s going to be a fun week.

We’ve got our live broadcast tonight, which comes just in time for my crisis of conscience after taking my seven year old daughter to a comic books store this weekend.

Then we have our first in-person networking event of the year on Thursday night.

And of course the usual round of fun with blogs, our LinkedIn group, Facebook and more…

IMG_20141016_175910_019Our first casual networking event of 2015 will take place this Thursday , January 15th.

We’re kicking the year off at our home base, the back room of the Blackfinn in Royal Oak.

EventNewspaper_January2015b5pm start time, no cover charge to get in, no sales pitches, no agendas, no nonsense.  Just good, solid opportunities to get to know some of the best and brightest folks in the metro Detroit information technology community.  Looking forward to seeing you there.

Details can be found here on the site –, on our Facebook page –, or in our Meetup group –

ITintheDnewspaper01122015Episode 74 of our live broadcast kicks off tonight at 9pm, and we’re being joined by some pretty cool guests.

Kinsey Mantay will be joining us to talk about MAT2 and some other initiatives, and we’re also joined by Nicole Johnson to talk about a new thing kicking off with regards to women in technology that features some of our other friends and prior guests on our show.

So join us by listening live from 9pm to 11pm, and then hit us up by calling 313.462.0107 or firing up Twitter and hitting @ITintheD during the show.  We love audience participation, so come along and play with us!

fdf9e6e19829734c3dc3aec92e0f83c4_largeNot sure how to listen live?  We’ve got instructions for you over here:  Missed any of our previous episodes?  We’ve got a page for that, too:

Last week’s episode with Tom Nardone of Priveco and Bulletsafe as well as long time group member Ian Sterrett can be found at

comicshop1And as it turns out, our guests tonight will likely be able to chime in on my latest crisis of conscience, all triggered by the simple act of taking my kids, but specifically my daughter, to a comic book shop over the weekend.  Because all of the sudden, everything I thought I understood about women in the geek scene or women in the tech field in general came crashing down around me and I’m reevaluating a lot of things.  Give that a read over at

g49mfIn other blog entries, we have How Not to Suck at Looking for a Job at, Don’t Be That Guy: The Serial Networker out at, and 7 Career Lessons You Missed from The Breakfast Club over at

All of our blog entries are in “Read”:

Information about our events are in “Meet”:

Info about our live broadcasts are in “Listen”:

That’s all for this time.  Don’t forget to listen live tonight from 9pm until 11pm for episode 74, and we’ll see you in person on Thursday night at Blackfinn!


Bob, Dave and Jeff
IT in the D
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