Announcement: December 2014 Charity Event Details

Our next in-person networking event is Thursday, December 11th.

Yep, it’s a week earlier than normal for December.  We know everyone already has a crazy holiday season on tap, and so there’s no reason for us to try and make it even worse.

This is still going to be another great December event for us, and we hope you can join us.  As you know, or maybe you don’t if you’re new to the group, each year we try and do something “good” with our December event.  This year is no different…

DecEventFlyerTest…and we’re teaming up with our friends at Operation Kid Equip…but not for school supplies.

UPDATE: Since we were asked, you can donate ahead of time directly at the Operation Kid Equip website: by clicking on the “Donate Now” button on the top right of the page.

See, those same kids that have challenges with school have challenges on the home front. We want to make sure that kids right here in the area have themselves a merry little Christmahkwanzikah season, and you can help us do that in one of two ways:

1. Bring a monetary donation. Operation Kid Equip will be on-hand with us that night, and everything we get in that night will go straight to them so that they can run out and do some last-minute shopping to address the needs of those kids.  UPDATE: Since we were asked, you can donate ahead of time directly at the Michigan Friends of Education – Operation: Kid Equip website: by clicking on the “Donate Now” button on the top right of the page.

2. Bring an unwrapped gift. In order to keep things simple, and not cause any headaches, their organization would prefer that you keep it simple, and try and keep whatever toys / games / etc that you’re donating to a maximum of around $10. Since he goes to the schools directly to hand out everything, well, let’s not have a situation where one kid snags a $50 barbie doll while the next kid gets a cup with a handle, ball and string attached to it. Nobody wants those headaches.

logo_shield_onlyFalling Down Beer Company will be the location, and they’re already clearing the decks so that the huge lot next door at McDonald’s will be available for us to use without issue.  In fact, rumor has it that they’re closing the bar for us that night, so let’s go ahead and plan on filling it to capacity.

We’ve got some special things in store that night as well.  Raffles, giveaways, our friends from the Get Your Geek On show will be doing a live broadcast from the event, Detroit Beer Press will be in the house, and all kinds of other whacky mayhem totally designed to make sure you have a great time and rip those dollars out of your pockets to help local children.

Hey, at least we’re honest about it.

So mark your calendars accordingly.  Go RSVP on Facebook – or Meetup – – and let’s get these events shared out, popular in everyone’s network, and help do what we do that makes this group so awesome.