What is The IT in the D Show?



The IT in the D Show

So what do three IT guys from Detroit talk about when they go to the bar?

Welcome to the IT in the D show, brought to you by long-time Detroit IT veterans Bob Waltenspiel (The Sales Guy), Dave Phillips (The Geek) and Jeff Mackey (The Voice of Reason).

The trio has been putting on free networking events for the metro Detroit information technology community for over 10 years, helped more than 1,000 people find new jobs, and been featured in local and national news stories and publications for their efforts.  After taking on speaking engagements starting in 2011 that helped refine their message, in 2013 they took their ramblings to a broadcast format that has proven to be far more popular than anyone expected…

The IT in the D show is more conversational and less instructional – it is far more geared toward entertainment and local goings-on in the metro Detroit area than a deep-dive about specific technical issues.  It’s a bar chat, not technical seminar.  You’ll hear more movie quotes than MySQL queries and more Depeche Mode than development methodologies.  Not that the guys don’t roll up their sleeves and deep dive from time to time, but with guests ranging from local CIOs and CEOs to roller derby girls and pop culture icons from the 80s, don’t let the “IT” in “IT in the D” scare you.

Each weekly two-hour show typically includes current events and stories, guests ranging from local entrepreneurs to local IT rock stars to people with great local stories to tell, rants, raves and everything you’d expect from three guys who have known each other and been drinking together for nearly two decades.

The show has been listened to over two million times to date and has been heard in all 50 states and 41 countries. We appreciate the time spent with us and welcome all feedback.

Want to become a sponsor and get in the ears of an incredible targeted demographic?  Read this: http://www.ITinTheD.com/sponsors/

Listen live, Monday nights 9pm to 11pmhttps://itinthed.com/listen/how-to-listen/

Listen via RSShttp://www.ITinTheD.com/feed/podcast/

Listen via iTuneshttps://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/it-in-the-d-read.-meet.-listen./id839642514

Listen via SoundCloudhttps://soundcloud.com/itinthed

Listen via Stitcherhttp://www.stitcher.com/podcast/detroitnet/it-in-the-d

Archive of all past shows: https://itinthed.com/listen/it-in-the-d-show-archives/

Sample Episode…

IT In The D – Episode 64: Jack Olson, Michipreneur, Patronicity 10/27/2014 air date
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