“See this? Our website? I just want it to suck less. Can you make it suck less? I have a big bag of money for someone that can make it suck less for me. ” – a CTO who shall remain nameless, during a business meeting circa 1999
Not too long ago, we shifted our presentation from the “10 Commandments of Networking” to the “10 Commandments of Job Search”, particularly due to the fact that we are running into way too many people that are simply doing it wrong when it comes to job search…
It sucks, we get it, we really do. We have learned a lot over the years due to our own searches and on top of that, we have listened to 100’s of members of IT in the D who have given us their feedback. So with that said, here are the ways not to suck at looking for a job.
If you don’t think your job right now is finding a job, you are going to suck at finding a job. Period. No watching Judge Judy. No catching up on Breaking Bad. Wake up at 630AM, put on work clothes and treat the day as if your job was finding a job. Have coffee where the business folks have coffee, listen to random conversations, if fitting, drop your business card to them and introduce yourself. It’s no different than dating, what’s the worst thing that could happen, right?
- If you submit resumes all day, you are going to suck at finding a job. There, I said it. I see it every day, “I’ve submitted 500 resumes and nothing! I give up.” Therein lies the problem. Again, going back to dating, it’s like submitting 500 emails on Match.com and wondering why the girls are responding. You have to network, you have to meet people, you have to be creative…there are no other options.
- If you are not prepared, you are going to suck at finding a job. Do you have business cards on you at all times? Is your resume and LinkedIn profile up to date? Do you have a professional email address? (Time to retire BigPoppa69@hotmail.com) Make sure you are ready, because you never know who you might meet.
If you are not networking, you are going to suck at finding a job. If you are looking for a job, I highly recommend going to every single networking event and MeetUp in town. Every one. I know this might suck, but this is your key to finding a job. Building relationships is the most valuable thing you can do for your job search. Meet as many people as possible, schedule coffee meetings, try to bring value to their network.
- If you don’t know your message, you are going to suck at finding a job. So you are networking, you are meeting people, but what about your message? “Well, I do everything” doesn’t cut it. “I’ll work anywhere” is garbage. If you just graduated, say you just got a BA in (whatever). If you are a Java developer, you are a Java developer. 60-second elevator pitches are dead, know who you are and what you are in under 10 words. No “uhms” or “ahhs”, be consise.
If you hire a coach or resume writer, you are going to suck at finding a job. Just don’t. There are enough people out there that care. You are going to need that money for bills, so no matter the circumstance, don’t hire a guru…or a ninja…or a life coach. Just don’t. If you need advice? Heck, just ask us. Hit up your network. As your friends.
- If you lie, you are going to suck at finding a job. Again, we know this time of your life sucks. We know it can be easy to tell people anything they want to hear to “get in”. We are just telling you…don’t. Don’t be that guy. This is a small town with even a smaller industry circle. We all talk. Don’t be afraid to tell people exactly who you are, you will get farther.
- If you use social media poorly, you will suck at finding a job. Posting “Anyone hiring?” 3-4 times a week on Facebook? Yea, no. Messaging recruiters daily on LinkedIn? Yea, no. Posting pictures of you tearing up the town and talking about the TV shows you watched? Yea, no. This is go time, be professional, eagerness is fine, but don’t be annoying about it. If you don’t know the difference, ask some colleagues that won’t be shy to you.
- If you don’t follow up, you will suck at finding a job. It’s that simple. “Thanks for having coffee with me, we discussed the following things, you mentioned you needed a referral, let me introduce you to…” Always follow-up with everyone you talk to. The dating rule of 48-hours here doesn’t apply; you can follow-up the same/next day and not look awkward.
If you don’t continue to do this the rest of your life, you will suck at finding a job. So you have a job now, great, you can stop networking, meeting people, re-freshing your LinkedIn and being professional. Wrong. That shouldn’t stop. Ever. If you do these things properly, you can have the next job lined up immediately should something bad happen at your current gig.
So that’s it from us, we look forward to your feedback and now go read something else!