IT in the D Event Thursday Night, Heartbleed, New Horizons, Rants and More on Tonight’s Live Broadcast



Episode 38 of our live IT in the D broadcast takes place tonight starting at 9pm, and yeah, this is going to be a fun one.

Naturally, we’ve also got some blog entries for you to read, too.

The usual round of fun continues in our LinkedIn group, and we’re just days away from our casual networking event on Thursday night.

So let’s go ahead and dive on in…

1975232_372558146220031_861018252_nOur next casual networking event for professionals in and around the information technology community here in metro Detroit is this  Thursday, April 17th over at BlackFinn in Royal Oak.

5:01pm start time in the back room.

As always, there’s no cover charge, no agenda, no speakers…just come on out and meet some of the best and brightest folks here in the metro Detroit area.  Startup owners, developers, project managers, recruiter, analysts, help desk jockeys and executives.  There’s always a little bit of everything at these events.

Looking forward to seeing you there.

You can find the details on our Facebook page – – or in our Meetup Group –

38thEpisode 38 of our IT in the D broadcast takes place tonight, and we’re live from 9pm to 11pm.

Tonight, pretty sure we’re going to kick things off with a pretty good rant because, well, because someone tried to play hardball with us, and it didn’t go very well for them.  And even though they’ve backpedaled like mad, that doesn’t mean the venom has completely evaporated.

So yeah…tonight’s going to be a fun one…I’d listen in live if I were you.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, really.

10154251_382114618597717_6092955876865967625_nWe’re being joined in-studio by past guest Mark Stanislav from Duo Security to talk about all of this heartbleed chaos ripping through the internet.  What the hell happened?  Do you change your passwords now?  Do you wait to change your passwords?  Who screwed up this time and what in the ever living hell does this mean to the average internet user?  Mark’s a great resource and a lot of fun to hang with, so this should be another solid go-round.  If you want to check out the last time we had him in-studio, you can do that here:

Our other guest is from the last sponsor of our 3/13 Pink Slip Party event to join us on the air.  Christy Rowe from New Horizons will be in with us to talk about all of the various training opportunities that are available, and what they can do to help you get ahead in your career.

And rants.  Definitely rants.  And 80s new wave awesomeness during the breaks.

10169213_382544475221398_5030770647708773238_nWhat more do you need?

For details about our show and to catch up on past episodes, check out our “Listen” page over at

If you’re not sure how to listen live, we’ve got really easy instructions for you right here:

And don’t forget that you can call in at 313.462.0107 during the show to ask questions or chime in on topics we’re talking about, and you can also hit us on Twitter at @ITintheD

Last week’s episode with Air Packets and One Month Apps can be found at the usual places.  Here on the site at, SoundCloud, and all of the other syndication channels.

1465109_379587108850468_4485147128929593408_nYou can also keep up with us and touch base during the show on our the IT in the D Facebook page, too.

That’s over at, and that’s where we play with memes, amuse ourselves…and hopefully you, too.

So get on over there and give us a “like”, dammit!

Blog entries?

Oh sure, we’ve got some of those floating around that you should check out, too.

Out on our IT in the D: Read page, you’ll find entries like:

The Seven Deadly Sins of Networking:

The Hipster Capitalist:

feedbackWe’re still stunned that people listen to our show…we’re even more stunned when we get feedback about it.  Check out what one new listener had to say over at

The Social Marketer Who Cried Wolf is out at

The IT in the D LinkedIn group is still steadily growing…we’re closing in on 5,000 members at a fairly normalized clip.

That’s where you’ll find discussions, jobs being posted by recruiters who come to our events (again, like the one on Thursday night), and all sorts of fun.

The group is at

Looking for a new gig?  Check out what’s out there under Job Discussions at

So listen live tonight starting at 9pm, and we’ll see you Thursday at BlackFinn!


Bob, Dave and Jeff
IT in the D
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