Is Now IT in the D, Live Broadcast Tonight and More



Yeah, I know…the name change is kind of “old news” at this point since it happened back on the 13th, but we haven’t done one of these updates in a couple of weeks due to the chaos leading up to the Pink Slip Party, everything that went into the rebrand, and just life in general since then…

…so, it seemed like we should go ahead and put it out there, just in case you missed it.

The website’s changed, the layout’s different, and while the content was all migrated, we did do a little housecleaning and re-organized things a bit.

We’ve got our live broadcast of IT in the D tonight with some pretty awesome guests joining us.  We’ve had a couple of episodes since our last update went out, and you can catch up with those on our Show Archives page.  There are also a few blog entries out for you to read, the usual fun in our LinkedIn group (which also went through a rebranding exercise), we’re up and running fully on the IT in the D twitter account and Facebook page, so you’ll want to make adjustments accordingly, and…

…you know what?  Let’s go ahead and dive into the details…

ITintheD_FINAL_LogoWe always kick off with our next event…but since there are some changes on that front, let’s start out with what bookmarks you might want to update, and what’s changed as of 3/13/2014 with our various online presences.

Our site is now fully live at

You’ll notice the new logo, where we’re trying to bring focus to our three core areas:

Read: Our blogs, updates, and everything else we write about.  That’s over at  All of our old blogs have been migrated over to our new home, but we’ve changed the layout a bit.

Meet: Everything about our events.  General information, Frequently Asked Questions and more can be found at

Listen: Anything to do with our weekly show can be found over at  From general information to how to listen each week to the archives of all of our past episodes, that’s where you go.

1920217_372551106220735_864855990_nOur Facebook page has moved.  Please take a minute to go give us a “like” over at  All of the same fun content (we migrated everything from the old page over), as well as topics you’ll hear us chat about on the show and things we think might be of general interest.

If you haven’t already followed us on our IT in the D twitter account, you should.  That’s one of the ways you can interact with us during our live broadcasts, and has replaced our old account that’s no longer used.  You can find it at

Our LinkedIn group went through a change as well.

That’s located at, and that’s still where you’ll find all of the discussions, chats, job postings and more from the people involved with our group.

Our Meetup group has also changed, and can be found at

Phew.  Okay, now you’re all up to speed with what we’ve got going on, so let’s get on with the rest of what’s going on.

1975232_372558146220031_861018252_nOur next event will be on Thursday, April 17th over at BlackFinn in Royal Oak.

5:01pm start time in the back room.

We’ll see you there.

Our 35th live broadcast of our IT in the D takes place tonight starting at 9pm.

Not sure how to listen live?  Details are here:

nyeshowproOur guests tonight come to us from the Go Comedy! Improv Theater and the Activ8 Gaming Lounge, so it should be a really great time.

We’re live from 9pm to 11pm, and you can call in at 313.462.0107 or hit us up on Twitter or Facebook during the show to join in on the fun.

In case you missed them, Episode 33 had Bamboo Detroit, Arrow Strategies and Daily Detroit joining us in-studio, and Episode 34 had Russ Dotson during his leave from active duty in Ethiopia, along with Elyse, Gary and April from Brightwing and a quick pop-in from Adam Lux.  You can catch those episodes and all of the other prior ones on our Show Archives page at

On the blogs front, here are a few that are out there currently:

The announcement of our rebranding and changeover (along with a fun video) from to IT in the D went live on 3/13.  Don’t Be That Guy: Sensitive Bad Word is an older entry that bubbled up all about Bob’s hatred for the easily offended.  How Not To Suck at Being a Developer has some good advice for the coders in the crowd.  All of those and more can be found on our Read page at

That seems like an awful lot, so let’s go ahead and wrap things up here.


Bob, Dave and Jeff
IT in the D
On the web:
On LinkedIn:
On Facebook:
On Twitter:
On Meetup: