Well, we told you that over the weekend would be your last chance to get your name in the mix for the free training class from GogoTraining.com…and we’re done. No more calls please, we have our winner.
Congratulations to Eric Troldahl, who’s looking forward to taking the Linux Essentials class. And we’re looking forward to hearing a recap of your experiences, Eric!
In other news, there’s a scavenger hunt being put together downtown…
There’s a Facebook event out there for the Scavenger Hunt that has links and details on it. I’ll admit that I’m a bit interested in this (and not just because of the $10,000 prize…though that doesn’t HURT…), and want to know if anyone else wants to hop on board and form a ITintheD.com team or two (or more) to have some fun.
The basics:
We’ve got a lot of awesome locations this year with some great surprises! Explore the city and compete for $10,000. Remember, last year’s team won in under an hour…although we’re going to try to make it a bit harder this time around 🙂
-Must be 21+
-Must be a Michigan Resident
-Cannot be a Michigan Disassociated Person
-Teams of up to 4 people allowed
Now, I didn’t know what a “Michigan Disassociated Person” was, so I looked it up. I guess there’s a list out there of people who are not allowed into casinos whatsoever…and this is being put together by a casino. So, if you’ve put yourself on that list (which you can apparently do if you have a serious gambling problem and want to just ban yourself), then you can’t participate.
So, for details, you can hop over to the Facebook Event Page for this, which is over at http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=176715459065484
If you’re interested, hop into the LinkedIn group or onto our Facebook page to discuss.
Yes, I know, I know…I was just complaining in our last update that we had too much going on already between now and the end of the year with a variety of networking events and other stuff in the works…but this sounds like fun.

Oh, and we also just agreed to head back to Lawrence Tech again, to have what has become a regularly recurring chat with a professor’s class of business and information technology students about the importance of networking…and why they shouldn’t be The Unprepared Graduate. Yes, people trust us to help mold the minds of students. Shut up. Between this and the Flint event in November, it’s shaping up to be a “Back to School” tour kind of year.
…and because you knew this was coming…go vote for us! Remember – every day, once per browser/smart phone / whatever you have. Go do it. Seriously. If a group full of geeks can’t win an online voting contest, then there’s going to be a whole lot of smacktalk and shame.