…and, of course, have you voted for us today?
Had a great turnout (and time) at Penny Black in Rochester last night. Thanks much to the good folks there at Penny Black for hosting us. The service, staff and management were phenomenal, specials were great, food was awesome…and, well, let’s just stop there and not talk about the guitar player.
No really. Let’s not talk about him.
Or the fact that the alternate/backup cast from Jersey Shore showed up later in the evening.
Anyway, let’s cover a few topics quickly and then coast on into what will hopefully be a nice, relaxing weekend for everyone…
A really cool email came in last night while we were at Penny Black…and I want to share. Gotta be honest, it’s emails like this that really make the occasional insanity caused by doing things worthwhile:
Date: 8/18/2011
Subject: Thanks for the Lift
Hello David,
A friend of mine recommended DetroitNet.Org to me, and of course I shrug my shoulders, “Oh God not another Professional group”, but after reading your article “Don’t be that Guy”, I signed up immediately, laughing to myself, these are my type of people. I missed tonight’s event but hope to attend the one in September. Hope to see you there and thanks, after beating the internet pavement all day for work, I needed that lift.
That’s really, really cool to read. Seriously. All three of us got a smile from reading that. Hope to see you at future events, Richard…and welcome to the group.
This weekend will be your last chance to get yourself in the mix for the free training class from GogoTraining.com. Head on over to http://www.ITinTheD.com/2187/anybody-want-free-training/ and get yourself in before midnight Sunday, because we’ll be throwing the winner out on Monday.
You know that saying “there’s no rest for the wicked”? Yeah, well, apparently the three of us have all been naughty lately (no surprise to any of you, I’m sure…), because we’re closing out the rest of 2011 on a ridiculously hectic pace.
Our next ITintheD.com gathering will be one of our Pink Slip Party events, taking place on Thursday, September 15th at the Post Bar in Novi. Details are available here on our site at http://www.ITinTheD.com/event/sept-detroit-networking-pink-slip-party/ or out on LinkedIn at http://events.linkedin.com/ITintheD-org-PINK-SLIP-PARTY/pub/727777
It also looks like we’ll be heading to another Shifting Gears event in September…possibly more than one.
We’re going to continue our exploration of new places in October when Thursday, October 20th rolls around and we’re at Dragonmead Brewery in Warren. Dragonmead supplies some of the best bars all over the state with their great selection of beer…so why not go straight to the source?
November’s going to be a lot of fun, since you can have a double dose of us if you want to. Thursday, November 9th in Flint with Kettering University and TechWorks and then Thursday, November 17th at the BlackFinn in Royal Oak.
Somewhere in the middle of all of that, we’re also putting together the Great ITintheD.com Party Bus Tour of 2011. Breweries. A distillery. It may well be the greatest networking event on wheels. Click here http://www.ITinTheD.com/2204/the-great-ITintheD-org-party-bus-tour-of-2011/ to check that out and vote to get your feedback heard while we’re still pondering dates, locations and schedules. It looks like we’re definitely going to be hitting both breweries and a distillery based on the votes that have come in so far…and speaking of which, wow, I wish we’d known this would be such a popular type of thing to do! Looks like we’re definitely going to be doing “the big bus” for this one in order to make sure that everyone that wants to go can do so.
We’re also still trying to get the word out about ShareSpace, a really cool initiative in Rochester for shared, collaborative office space. Check it out at http://www.ITinTheD.com/2227/a-blatant-shameless-plug-for-sharespace-rochester-mi/
Thank you again to everyone that made it out last night to Penny Black, as well as the staff and management there!
…and go vote for us! Remember – every day, once per browser/smart phone / whatever you have. Go do it. Seriously. If a group full of geeks can’t win an online voting contest, then there’s going to be a whole lot of smacktalk and shame.