Tag: News & Announcements

  • Coming Tomorrow Night? Plus Jobs, Updates and More for 2/15/2012

    There’s an awful lot going on these days. We have our event tomorrow (that’s Thursday, for those of you keeping score at home) night up at Rochester Mills in Rochester Hills.  A few blog entries went live.  Bob utterly failed on Star Wars night at the Pistons game last Friday.  I got asked to be a moderator…

  • Event Next Week, That Guy, Jobs and More for 2/8/2012

    Is it just me, or does it seem like a really long time since our January event at the BlackFinn happened?  Maybe it’s just that whole “the older you get, the faster time goes by” thing that my grandparents always warned me about… Anyway, we’ve got our next event next Thursday night, the 16th, out…

  • Upcoming Events, Social Media, Jobs and More for 2/1/2012

    Well that was probably the weirdest January since I’ve been out here in Michigan. I’m still convinced we’re being lulled into a false sense of security though…I’m pretty sure we’re still going to be getting whomped with snow into May because of this mild weather… Anyway, on to our usual updates. We had a couple…

  • Celebrity Coneys For a Cause – Help THAW

    If you happen to be downtown, go hit the American Coney Island today: American Coney Island will host the first-ever Celebrity Coneys for a Cause on Tuesday from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. Restaurant owner Grace Karos is dedicated to the issue, saying the more coneys you eat, the more homes THAW (The Heat and…

  • Great Event Last Night At BlackFinn

    Last night was simply fantastic on a number of different levels. Lots of new faces.  Lots of familiar faces.  Thank you all for coming out. Just lots of faces.  Wow did we get packed last night.  One “Dark Side” moment, but we’ll talk about that in a minute. How…convenient…that a brewery debuting a new beer…

  • LAST CALL Networking Event Tonight At BlackFinn

    Well, I had a fun commute this morning…how about you? Don’t let any of this nonsense scare you though.  Total accumulations are projected to be under an inch, and it’s just supposed to be cloudy and flurry. So what’s that mean?   That means get yourself to the BlackFinn tonight!  5:01 start time.  Back room.  See…