Tag: News & Announcements

  • Metro Detroit Jobs, News, Event Next Week and Updates for 5/9/2012

    Yep, it’s almost that time. Casual Networking event for Information Technology professionals (and with the IT Section of the Michigan Bar Association coming to play) next week at the Blackfinn. Had a little bit of Star Wars fun on Friday, another Dating Corollary entry went live, and our Linkedin group has all sorts of rampant fun…

  • Metro Detroit Jobs, News, Events and Updates for 5/2/2012

    We’re two weeks away from our next casual networking event. We’ve actually already started getting questions and inquiries about our Pink Slip Party in June as well…but we’re not really going to dive too much into that until we get past our May event. Our LinkedIn group has the usual round of conversations and jobs…

  • A Meeting of the Minds: Conference Talk

    The other day, we published a note that it’s time to get serious about this whole conference thing we’ve been talking about for a while.  Since October, actually.  Well, at least publicly.  We’d had conversations about it internally before then. The next step here is to get together with the people that want to be…

  • Event Stuff, Reading Material, News and Updates for 4/25/2012

    Yes, it’s hard knowing that the Red Wings are out of the playoffs…but somehow the blow is softened by knowing that so is Sidney Crosby with the Penguins’ elimination. At least that’s one more major distraction out of my daily routine.  Oh, I’m still watching the games as they’re on…but I’m not paying nearly as…

  • Time To Get Serious About This Conference Thing

    Okay. [deep breath] It’s time for us to get serious about this conference thing. We’re pretty sure we have a venue in mind. We’re fairly comfy with a date that we have in mind. So now it’s time for you to get serious along with us…

  • Last Night a DJ Saved My Life

    No, not really.  But I heard that song this morning and can’t get it out of my head, and so I’m sharing in the hopes that it’ll go away now. However, what did happen last night was…awesome.  A damned great event, and I was absolutely right yesterday when I said this group is phenomenal and…