Tag: News & Announcements

  • The WAB, Twibel, Google and Other Friday Randomness

    December 7th…a day that will live in infamy.  But not just because of Pearl Harbor. 17 years ago, a geek in Washington DC who had just gotten out of a bad relationship would innocently log into the Star Wars forum on Compuserv, unknowingly kicking off a chain of events that would result in him moving to…

  • See You At The WAB in Ferndale Tonight

    Just a quick reminder that we’ll be at the WAB tonight at 5. A few drinks, a few laughs, some reminiscing and a good time. Barring any weirdness, we’re planning on being upstairs, just like we were five years ago…

  • Professor Hinkle Has Nothing On Us: Updates for 12/5/2012

    An old school pop culture reference…and one that’s even appropriate for this time of year. And it’s true. Because we’re going to be busy…Busy…BUSY…

  • We Would Be Honored…If You Would Join Us

    Star Wars night at the Palace of Auburn Hills, peeps! Bet the title of this post makes more sense now. And if it doesn’t, you should probably just stop reading right now. But if it does…c’mon out and getcher geek on. On Friday, January 4th…Star Wars Night…we’re taking over the new Club 300 at the…

  • Help “IT in the D” Lose The Egg

    Okay, look. Nobody likes eggs on Twitter. You don’t like ’em I don’t like ’em. And you’re lucky I’m not doing a cheesy rip-off of Green Eggs and Ham right now. But you’ve got graphic skills, and we’ve got a conference in March to run. So how about we work out a little deal…

  • The Justice League Discount Double Check

    Okay, so a few questions came in about the references we’ve been making to “The Justice League” over the last couple of weeks. The Justice League, laughably, was a nickname given to a group of people off the cuff during a discussion with an event coordinator for a venue and it just sort of stuck.…