Tag: News & Announcements

  • Dave on 96.3 WDVD This Morning Discussing Wednesday’s Pink Slip Party

    Dave was on the air this morning with Blaine and Allyson in the morning on 96.3 WDVD. They chatted a bit about our networking events, how Pink Slip Party events got started, what they are (and aren’t), and what you should expect from this Wednesday’s event at St Andrews Hall starting at 5pm. The audio…

  • Catch Pink Slip Party Updates on 96.3fm WDVD This Morning

    Greetings, Blaine and Allyson in the Morning listeners. Welcome to itinthed.com. Whether it’s your first time here, or you’ve visited us before…welcome. I’m writing this before hopping on the air (which should happen right around 9am, probably about 9:05am or so), because I know that even though I’ll have the best intentions of getting everything…

  • Pink Slip Party Next Week, News, Jobs and Updates for 3/6/2013

    I’m starting to get the feeling that the three of us should be wearing ringmaster’s outfits from the circus when next Wednesday rolls around. Based on the email responses we’ve been seeing from all three facets of our group – those looking to hire, those looking to get hired, and those looking to just show…

  • ‘Ello, Guv’nah! Pink Slip Party Updates, News, Jobs and More for 2/28/2013

    So we met the Governor yesterday. No, not the guy from The Walking Dead…although you can rest assured we made every joke we could think of in that vein.  No, you know, they “one tough nerd” guy – Snyder. Kind of a last minute thing erupted, and so Bob and I drove out to Lansing…

  • So We Drank a Brewery Out of a Beer Last Night…

    That’s right.  We killed…the Ninja Chicken. Luckily they had others available, but the Ninja Chicken certainly was a crowd favorite. All things being equal, I’d say our event last night at Falling Down Beer Company was a good one. Sure, it had a hiccup or two, but…

  • Casual Networking Event TONIGHT, a Pink Slip Party and More for 2/21/2013

    Well that came together pretty quickly. So we mentioned last week that IT in The D has been postponed until the Fall, but that we were working to pull something together to still keep everyone occupied.  In a frantic whirlwind of activity, we pulled together a Pink Slip Party taking place still on 3/13/13, and…