IT in the D Live Broadcast Tonight, Blogs and More
We’re back in the studio tonight for the next live broadcast of our IT in the D show tonight. And it’s about time, because after the random chaos last week, we’ve got a whole lot of ranting to do. We’ve also got blogs, chats, and everything else to catch you up on…
IT in the D, Episode 26: PishPosh TV, 3D Printing and More
IT in the D, Episode 26. Our first broadcast of 2014. We had no guests when we hit our pre-show meeting spot…and then suddenly we had a full house. Great set of guests too, with some really solid topics…
Networking Event for Professionals In and Around the Metro Detroit IT Industry TONIGHT!
Our first IT in the D / ITintheD.com casual networking event for professionals in and around the metro Detroit information technology community takes place tonight! And sure, there’s a little snow coming down, but it’s supposed to be barely a dusting, so come on out and meet some of the best and brightest folks in…
IT in the D Tonight, Event Thursday, and So Much More…
I don’t know exactly how it happened that this week suddenly got so insane, but it did, so here we go. We’ve got our IT in the D live broadcast tonight. Our first casual networking event of the year takes place Thursday night. And then there’s other random stuff through the week leading up to…
IT in the D, Episode 25: The Last Broadcast of 2013
IT in the D, Episode 25. We decided that the last broadcast of the year would be just the three of us hanging out, chatting about news, events, and just about any topic that popped into our heads over the course of two hours. We even had the saucy little minx who hosts the show…
It’s The End of the Year As We Know It, And We Feel Fine
“mumblemumble nummanumma hmmmahmmma LEONARD BERNSTEIN” – everyone singing that song, ever Well, it’s New Year’s Eve…Eve…and we’re wrapping things up with our last IT in the D broadcast of the year tonight. We’ve been pretty lazy this last week or so…and nope, not feeling guilty about it in the least…