Update on March 23rd Hockeytown Cafe and Red Wings Game Event
Details have mostly been finalized for the March 23rd event down at the Hockeytown Cafe and followed by a Red Wings game if you’re interested. Expect final details and the link to purchase tickets with our weekly email from our LinkedIn Group – http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=91763. Given LinkedIn’s serious email issues lately, if you’re interested in attending,…
Getting ITintheD.org Back To Detroit…and Some Jobs
Well, it seems to be at least “mostly” official – ITintheD.com will be trying once again to head downtown and do an event in Detroit. We try this every now and then, and for some reason, folks just don’t really want to head downtown. Buncha slackers. You’re making it really, really hard for us to…
Interested in a Downtown Event and a Red Wings Game?
Make sure you get to the “cast a vote” part of this, because we want your feedback. Okay…so we try and keep a very huge and clearly defined line in the sand between “ITintheD.com” and “Anything involving money”. We do so for a number of reasons, but primarily because we’re absolutely committed to doing what…
ITintheD.org Updates and Jobs for 1/19/2011
First things first: a huge note of congratulations to our partner in crime Jeff Mackey, aka “The Voice Of Reason” among our little triumvirate, on the birth of his son James early Monday morning. You can tell that both of his parents are over-achieving project management types, because he came in a week ahead of…
In Case You Thought I Was Kidding…Jobs, Jobs and More Jobs
In my last note, I mentioned that there were a lot of new faces at our event, including new recruiters. Well, there are currently pages and pages of jobs sitting in the ITintheD.com LinkedIn group – http://www.linkedin.com/groups?home=&gid=91763 – from both recruiters that have been with us since the beginning, as well as some new faces…
Great Networking Event Last Night, Some Q&A, and Our First Pink Slip Party of 2011
A huge “thank you!” to all that made it to the event at the BlackFinn last night. Absolutely incredible turnout, and I can’t think of anything that could’ve gone better. Now if you weren’t at our event last night…and you’re in the IT industry in the metro Detroit area…wow. You missed out. We learned of…