How Not To Suck At LinkedIn
Continuing our (relatively new) tradition of helping you not suck, we now move into How Not To Suck At LinkedIn. We’ll take a look at some of the key areas that cause people to suck at LinkedIn – the profile, groups, statuses, various applications…and hopefully help to keep you from being one of those people…
Always Be Yourself
So, we’ve told you once or twice that the most important thing you can do when it comes to networking is pretty easy: be yourself. If you’re a geek, be a geek. If you’re a sales guy, be a sales guy. There’s nothing worse than becoming a Fallen Angel, and so why not just own who…
Announcing International Prune Your Network Day!
It’s time to prune your network. Networks are like trees, folks. Sure, they’re nice to look at, provide shade during sunny days and help keep life on the planet by providing oxygen…but it’s not all fun and games. Trees can seriously wreak havoc on your life if you don’t pay attention to them properly. Left…
The Bachelor Party Hypothesis
By now, you’ve read our entries in the Networking Basics category, and even a few of the How Not To Suck realm. You’ve probably started to build up a network of your own. Well, now I’m going to tell you how to properly categorize and inventory network, so that you can take stock of where…
Thoughts On Basements and Networks
“Those who fail to plan…should plan to fail.” – unattributed, many sources “I am never doing that again…and this time, I really mean it!” – me, the day after every St Patrick’s day I’ve mentioned a few times in past entries, I recently bought a new house. A side effect of that, naturally, is that…
The Dating Corollary: Stop Trying To Change Me
As mentioned in the introduction (and you read the introduction, right? No? Go read it over here), in the first follow up (and you read that one too, right? No? Go read it over here), then in the next one about counter-offers over here, and we even covered how to handle a break up over…