This episode is quite literally the top of my mountain, my crown jewel moment, the summary of every podcast and every Comic Con I have attended. At the Great Lakes Comic-Con, I got to spend the entire weekend with Sam J. Jones himself, better known as Flash Gordon, Quarterback, NY Jets and Savior of the Universe.
Growing up, Flash Gordon was on the same level as Star Wars to me, and I was not only star struck, but in awe of what an amazing person Sam Jones is. They always say, “Don’t meet your heroes.”, but in this case, I am so happy I was able to. I spent the entire weekend talking with Sam, but got to record our conversation for about 20 minutes where we talked about Hollywood, Flash Gordon, his appearance in Ted, his family, and life in general.
This was bittersweet however, as the founder of Great Lakes Comic-Con, Mike DeSantis, tragically passed away a couple days before the event. I didn’t get to thank him for this opportunity, but I am sure I will one day. RIP Mike.
A million thank yous to my producer and co-host Randy Walker who spent hours cutting up 2hrs and 45 minutes of raw footage (because I didn’t know how to work the Zoom mic).