Episode 341: Week 1 of Quarantine… Tiger King, Binge Watching, Zoom Chaos



Week one of our socially distanced show as we’re all hanging out in our respective houses.  Listen in as we chat about what we’re binge watching and how we’re keeping our sanity and more…

Speaker 1:

Hey, this is episode 341 of the IT in the D show live from our living rooms in our basements and we’re in our six feet of isolation, I guess. Whatever you want to call it.

Speaker 2:

How’s just yeah, there’s one, there’s a good 20 miles between us. Uh, all three of us at this point in time. So I think we’re good.

Speaker 1:

We did it. We did have a phenomenal guests lined up. One of the CSOs from one of the big auto suppliers, but he decided to push and I don’t blame him. This is a crazy time. So you know what? For the first time being remote, we’re going to do this show. Uh, acappella so, uh, you know what Dave, you may fire when ready.

Speaker 2:

I don’t think that word means what you think it means.

Speaker 1:

All right. Fire when ready. Why from our virtual places. Dave’s in the basement. Randy’s in the living room. I’m in the living room. This is the one in the living room. So what different living rooms though, because social distancing as 20 miles, 20 miles. I’d be worried if you two are in the same living room. Let’s be clear. Hey, this is episode 341 of the one only IT in the D show broadcasting live via zoom. This is Bob, the sales guy that is gave the geek Randy. I do the Twitters is doing the Twitters

Speaker 2:

and after careful consideration as it turns out, all I want to do is [inaudible] him a zoom and a boom. Boom. Yeah, just really, really Randy and me got our quarantine beards going on. What’s going on with you? Dude? I’m getting ready to shave mine off. Like I’m like, I’m right. I got to go T going. I think I’m going to, I might, I just shaved it today. I cleaned it up. Uh, but I’m kinda thinking I want to reset. Like I think I want to go back to looking like a 12 year old. Like, that’s a dude. Facial hair is bad. It doesn’t do me like it’s bad for masks. It’s like, what? What are you doing? You’re being unsafe. You’re being unsafe. Ain’t going nowhere.

Speaker 1:

Hey, find us online it in the [inaudible] dot com. Do us a favor, give us a, like on a social sense, subscribed goes everywhere. Fine. Podcasts are sold.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I would, I would love to tell you guys about our upcoming events, but we ain’t got none. Jumping in. I can just jump in right over what cheers, everyone,

Speaker 1:

chairs, chairs, what’s going on with meetup. Um, apparently if you’ve been following us, um, meetup got bought by we work, so we figured, Hey, good tie-in. We have rental space meet,

Speaker 2:

you know, meet up, does meetings and apparently, uh, they, they go by by, um, well I, I think we’ve talked about, uh, we work on the show enough for everybody to understand how bad of an idea that was. Yeah. Well, yeah, now meet up is back to being, uh, on its own. So it’s probably, I guess nothing’s going to change anyway. Well, I mean they will, hopefully they’d go back to listening to like community feedback. Yeah. I mean they’re not technically back on their own. They were bought by a venture capital firm or private equity firm. Uh, so I mean, we’ll see how it goes. I mean the, the, the text of the blog post that went out, uh, made it sound like they’re going to try to get a little bit more attentive, uh, a little bit more careful about what they’re doing, which is good. Uh, and we’ll see how that goes. Well, the firm was established just buy meetup, so,

Speaker 3:

Oh, I missed that part. Positive.

Speaker 2:

So is it the dude from we work that just established a firm

Speaker 3:

or when is golden umbrella? Yeah, so, uh, dude, I’m, I’m not, I’m, I’m not going to let the show go a minute further before we start talking about tiger gang. I’m not

Speaker 2:

mother of God. No. I’m going to get, no, I’m going to get a little deeper and get James or Jones, mother of God.

Speaker 3:

Like how does that get drop though? Like right when everyone’s home to watch it? Like the timing. Netflix is

Speaker 2:

brilliant. They are the geniuses. Like right when everybody was just getting close to snapping point and like there were no distractions. There were no, like everybody was losing their minds. And all of a sudden there’s just this glorious gay man with a bunch of tigers. I’m at fusion with a chick that, let’s be honest, murder husband and femme to a tiger. Um,

Speaker 3:

do you hate that Randy? I shout Randy a meme. It’s like whatever happens if [inaudible] if they actually Ferndale Hazel park. Yes. I like the meme going around. Tiger King has everything. Tigers, lions murder getting redneck trouble. A one armed lesbian alligator arson, mullet pizza made from expired Walmart meat, zoo based sex called a crazy cat lady and country songs about tigers and gala. Dude. Apparently. Apparently if you own a tiger you have to be into polygamy. Like is that how that works? I like the Coke thing that went way over my head. So I’m like what the hell dude, that guy had that guy in Carolina. He’s interesting. He’s a doctor, but he’s a doctor of mystical sciences woman. Dug up a picture of like Brittany Spears concert with him and when he had like dark hair like 1215 years ago or whatever, you know, the best can. We never know

Speaker 2:

when the studios again, cause here’s the best part about this entire setup is I have all my smoke eaters around me

Speaker 3:

and I can do this while we’re broadcasting. Technically we kind of cut in the studio. It’s just you don’t, I know. I know. I would never do that in the studio. See, here’s the, here’s the, here’s the best part about tiger King. It’s gotten to the point where I’ve dissected it so far down. I’m not just taking the surface story sets. Easy part. It’s dead. I don’t even know. That guy’s named the fat blonde guy. Huh? The Chuckie doll. Yes. I started doing the Kenny powers bit on the jet ski and I’m dude, the eye of the tiger scene. I thought I was going to fall out of the bed laughing when I was watching that I was dying. I’m watching this with ball and he’s on a jet ski and I go, what’s he doing? He’s doing Kenny powers. All of a sudden he’s standing up doing the doing the goanna unseasoned one episode.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, I’ll be just winding down. I’m like, what’s he going to drive the three Wheeler next and he’s got a skeleton and riding shotgun. And you don’t even notice. This is the weird shit. Wait was wait, was that him with the car? With the skeleton. Oh, I thought that was, I thought that was the guy with no legs. No. Oh dude. At this point you could tell me anything and I’d be like, yeah, probably. You know, I thought, I thought that was the guy that had lost his legs below the knees that had the, that had the three Wheeler with the skeleton. And what’s the deal? Everyone’s got like missing appendages, like no one says nothing. So the one that

Speaker 2:

girl lost her arm, uh, below the elbow, uh, in an accident at the actual park

Speaker 3:

accident. My ass, they ran out of Walmart meat. So like he told her to stick her arm in there too. There was actually video footage of it happening.

Speaker 2:

And then, but the guy that lost his legs like it, it was because of a zip lining accident. And then he refused to properly take care of himself after the fact. And so that’s why he lost his legs below the knees. Um, yeah, I mean, it did. It did. There was so much, so many levels of insanity. And then you’ve got a, this bombshell that drops, uh, I believe it was yesterday where, uh, this blog, uh, the, it’s a true crime blog out of Florida that I guess somebody had reached out to years ago, uh, and said, Hey, I have proof that Carol’s involved in this, um, hit me up. And so they talked to this person and they never published it cause they couldn’t substantiate it, but literally her appearance in the show substantiated this person’s claims.

Speaker 2:

I shared the link earlier, I’ll shoot it here. It’s like, so apparently certain, you remember the, uh, the handyman guy, uh, that was, you know, Dawn’s handyman that was like, yeah. So apparently, uh, he showed up the night that, uh, the nighttime or the night before, he was declared missing the night before Don disappeared. Uh, it’s that guy’s wife that showed up that that was the, uh, that was the informant that contacted this true crime blog. Um, and she said, Hey, so Don, that’s the guy’s name showed up at home that night with or at Noah. Don was the husband’s name. Uh, the handyman, uh, showed up at his house with Don’s van that was eventually found at the airport by the way. Um, full of all of the guns that donned owned, uh, that Don had owned like 50 or 60 of them. Uh, and apparently they were like, there’s all these D transfers that, uh, that Carol had given to this handyman guy. It’s all a matter of public record. Uh, and it’s, dude, it’s looking more and more like, yep. She, they handyman had something to do with it and Carol whacked a guy.

Speaker 3:

All I know is that there’s someone out there sitting home. It’s not the only character in the show that [inaudible] guy. Ah,

Speaker 2:

exactly. Yeah. A bag of math says you’re not straight changed my mind. That’s apparently that’s the entire show.

Speaker 3:

No, there’s people sitting at home right now watching this going, I ain’t one of those guys be pizzas with Walmart meat toppings. Like that was a thing. Whereas I’m sitting at home, I’m sitting at home going, really, I could have had a tiger for two grand. That’s all that was two of them. I know.

Speaker 2:

Um, although I’m loving, um, I, I, cause I, you know, me, I’m like, I’m, I’m OCD about everything. I when like, you know, checked out the Facebook pages of everybody, um, and the, uh, the greater Wynnewood, uh, zoo, uh, still has a page, even though they’ve relocated and it’s run by that guy from Vegas that came in and did all that shady nonsense. Um, and he’s not only all about it, he’s like as seen on Netflix, Joe exotic. Uh, but he’s, uh, giving VIP tours. Uh, he’s selling shirts with like jokes, attics, name and quotes and all that kind of stuff on them. And I’m like, it’s a little shady dude.

Speaker 3:

And if they make a bobble head, I’m by there to get the socks and the tee shirts while you’re waiting, waiting by Leon as you’re waiting for the Funko pop. You absolutely doubt it. But they have like a, you know, I bought like the masterpiece socks. Like they actually have tiger team socks and like there’s like a tee shirt. It’s like this like eighties like fonts and it’s a, yeah,

Speaker 2:

dude. It’s, it’s, it is. It is a glorious show. And if, if you’re one of the seven people in the United States that haven’t watched it yet, you really, really should.

Speaker 3:

How do you view an ear though? How do you want to, not like saying you got a one off, but whatever. I know people are starved for talent now, but how do you come out with something that’s either you can’t write that shit. I hope time. I want you to go and you, dude, you can’t write this.

Speaker 2:

Do it. Like literally the entire, like every single episode I’m sitting there and watching it. I’m like, Oh my God, this is the craziest shit I’ve ever seen in my life. And then like the last two minutes of every episode you’re be like, but wait, there’s more.

Speaker 3:

No, but like I said, you’re numb. Do it. By the end it was like, Oh, whatever.

Speaker 2:

Oh, do I do, I was, I was floored by the end of every episode. I’m like, Oh my God, dad. And, but, and then like, so I was, I was annoyed like I, for whatever reason, I thought there were eight episodes when I got to the end of episode seven and they’re doing all the recap stuff. Like, you know, well, so-and-so testified [inaudible] the whole law and order, you know, names have been changed to protect the innocent duh, duh, duh. Um, I was like, wait, there, there’s no more like how was that over? So, but then Joe apparently files a $94 million lawsuit against God, the universe and everybody, uh, yesterday, uh, and has appealed to Trump, uh, to exonerate him and, and, and federally. Pardon him. Um, it’s, I, I don’t know that I want to see a season two, cause I don’t know that anything good would come of it, but I would, I, I’m desperately wanting him to know what happens at the end of this.

Speaker 3:

How do range do you have to be as a human being to, you know, he didn’t sing those country records. That was someone else really. Yeah. An article came out. I thought that was like, if you ordered Kenny Chesney on wish, apparently like how terrains you have to be like have like do a milli Vanilli and then listen to your like did not even know you listened to themselves in the car and sing to it. I be, I’m assuming they blame it on the rain. Yah, yah guys listening to someone else singing and he, he’s saying he did it like, dude, I’m just saying how like, dude, let’s, let’s be honest though here. Kitty, kitty is one of the top five greatest distracts of all time.

Speaker 3:

You’ll me and my Saturday a worst cover up and it showed the guys probable tents do over the property. Uh, Joe. Oh yeah, that was bad. I was sitting her watching it. I go, you couldn’t have made that bolt, that much bigger dude. And how I’m going to believe I’m going to be interviewed on the world’s probably arguably largest streaming platform now. I’m not going to put on a shirt the whole time. See, I thought they were Florida cause no, it’s Oklahoma. And I’m like, I’m talking to, you know what? I’m talking to Charles who grew up in Oklahoma. I was like, yeah, dude, you know, I’m like, I’m not talking. I’m from this Oklahoma and not watching it. I’m like, Nope, don’t care. Thank you for reminding me of that. I’m going to start tagging him into everything. I’m sure he’ll love it. He’ll, he’ll unfriend me again in about three days.

Speaker 3:

It’ll be beautiful and stuff that’s getting pointed. I was like, this is hanging on looser than shows like his, all of his number in his ear. It’s like, Hey, get up by a thread. Like that guy. I’ve never seen anything like that. I mean, it truly is. It is the it, and it’s one of those really, and honestly like I feel, do I feel bad for the animals? Like that was the worst part of the whole thing is like, so what the hell happens to these cats? Like, so that was, eh, like, that’s, that’s like, that’s, that’s my only concern of the whole, like, I could care less about any of the people. Like all the people are straight up garbage and they should all be in jail. All of them crazy. The crazy thing is that they’re tired about, there’s 4,000 of them in natural captivity. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. There’s five to 8,000 in captivity. There’s only 4,000 in the wild. I’m sorry. That’s what I meant. Natural Nat. Yeah, there’s like five and eight like that are in the U S and then there’s like four that are like out like that are living normal.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

I’m like, what? Nah, you know, I’m sorry, my daughter is over in the corner and this is the downside of doing things at home. My daughter’s over in the corner doing, I don’t know. I’m assuming some tick tock challenge cause that’s all the rage these days. Are you going to challenges? I don’t know. I don’t wish ill will on anyone. But if somebody dares you to lick a toilet, don’t do it. So there’s that one. There’s the liquid toilet if there weren’t a pandemic happening and that too.

Speaker 2:

I feel like just a general rule of life. Don’t like toilets. Uh, but yeah, so the, the person that like did the whole liquor toilet thing has Corona, uh, the girl, uh, the social media influencer, um, who went off and like was like, Oh my God, no, this will never happen to me. I don’t care if I catch it. Nothing battle happened yet. She’s now on a ventilator, um, in a, in a, in a Florida hospital and like that’s the crazy lady. So that’s the thing. Like this newsletter just came across like a half an hour ago, Florida facing like Epic crisis. Governor has no idea what to do. Oh, I don’t know. Maybe close your beaches two weeks ago instead of today. Now that spring break is over. You had jackass?

Speaker 3:

No. Well, it’s once the media got ahold and goes, look at these morons and then they’re like, Oh yeah, we might, we might have to close this down. I guess that kid that’s like the poster child for saying stupid shit about it. Yeah. Yeah. He’s like apparently came out with this apology and sort of, I act really stupid and I get it. Like in the beginning we were all kind of like whatever, swine flu, you know what I mean? Um, but then we realized maybe we should,

Speaker 2:

we were all a little cavalier about it. Like, let’s, let’s be late.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I was too. I, here’s the thing, when like at work, someone said like, Hey, are we going to close down? I’m like, you’re fucking stupid. I lived through swine flu and bar and I’m like, yeah, all right, I’m going out and buying hand sanitizer. Just make sure we’re good. I was like, eh, I’ll be in macho. But I was also like, okay, let’s be cautious also. You know what I mean? There’s, you can do both. It’s okay.

Speaker 2:

I do like the, and that’s the thing. Like, I, I, I don’t know, I’m still trying to figure out the balance between, okay, being safe and secure and I am losing my damn mind. Like I’m muddling up Kate. Like, dude, you know me and, and yeah, like you guys know me. I am what, two and a half weeks in without a trip to Hamtramck without a temple bar stop. The struggle is real, but it’s

Speaker 3:

no, uh, at least you’re not going on YouTube and singing a chaplain and a magic [inaudible].

Speaker 2:

No, I’m, I’m not [inaudible] no, I know.

Speaker 3:

Good dog a. Dot. It’s good though. It’s good gal. Gadot wonder woman. If you thought you were going crazy what she did, like, here’s the thing, here’s what I’m thinking. Because here’s the, here’s your thought. There’s millions of people that are sitting in their homes and you know, what these really needs is they need us in all of our millionaire friends to seen a John Lennon.

Speaker 2:

I don’t, you know, I had no idea Gaga was Irish by the way. I totally first time tracking is Jackie Mason, Jackie Mason. That’s, that’s your, that there’s, you’re like, I did an all these things there. It’s the, it’s the good touch, bad touch of social media. Like I, I like I do, I get the whole, Hey, in this together, but apart and all that stuff, but like, no, I’m not gonna stay in at the end of my driveway and like bang my pots and pans and honk my horn. Like, I’m, I’m not, it’s just, it’s not going to, Oh dude, that’s, that’s, that was a thing that was going around like for the past two days. Like to show support for dah, dah, dah. You should like everybody go outside your house and stay apart from each other, but like make as much noise as you possibly can to just show we’re still here.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it can be. It can be a community. Good Christmas lights. Oh, just how about just don’t leave. Can we just do that? Stay inside UAF and house. How hard is that? If you’re staying inside, how do you see your neighbor’s Christmas lights? So what’s the point?

Speaker 2:

Do it. I’m not going to, so okay. My neighbor two doors over, um, when she puts up her Christmas lights, you can see them I think from space.

Speaker 3:

So that’s absolutely, you know what I forgot to do in the beginning of the show, like, uh, you know, hard South thoughts with like everyone in the service industry, everyone first responders, um, everyone that’s kind of putting their, you know, that stressed out. So I’m going to get, I’m going to be

Speaker 2:

huge shout out. My niece, McKenna Julio, um, like literally just graduated college, just, uh, started her nurse rotation. She has now been shifted from the cardiac care unit, uh, to the Kovac, uh, unit at Royal Obama, Beaumont. And, um, dude, I worry about her like she’s, this is, but like, this is what she wants. This is what she went to school for. The ed. I damn, I’m not gonna get choked up, but like this is, this is what she wanted to do and this is what she’s there for. And I worry about her every goddamn day because I talked to, I have other nurse friends I like know my friend Becky, uh, that’s a regular dental whiskey in the jar. And I, and I talked to her and I, I hear what she says and dude, everything, everything she says is dude, Michigan’s about to be the next New York city. And, and people like, just aren’t, or, you know, South, at least Southeast Michigan. Um, dude, I, I don’t even have words for the respect to the admiration, the love that I have for what those people that are walking into every goddamn day. It’s damn

Speaker 3:

well my, my, my goddaughter’s, uh, comes home crying every night. She’s st Joe’s nurse. Yeah. I just talked to Joe this weekend. He’s a firefighter, paramedic picking up patients by the, the literally by the, you know, it’s, it’s nuts. Um, you know, and, and you know, and that’s, you know, that’s the heavy part. The light part isn’t, you know, the people losing their jobs and, you know, worrying about where we’re ready to come. That’s the light. That’s the sad part is that’s the light part. Yeah. But I mean, you know, there’s people that are lucky enough to keep working, you know, like we got to look out for each other, you know? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, the one thing that, you know, some of the restaurants were being cool about it. Like, Hey, I can cover you for two months. Some people are being all right about it.

Speaker 3:

You know Bobby Flay now, like you are liberal lives to me, but you’re totally dead to me. Um, so I S I saw your, I, I’ll let you finish your rent and then, and then I’ll, I’ll try man, go ahead. Yeah, no, he’s a, he’s got like five or six high end restaurants, Vegas, LA, whatever. And uh, he put a go fund me out to raise $100,000 to keep these workers paid. Now if you know anything about Bobby Flay, he, uh, literally he was worth network like estimated about $35 million and he actually has the audacity to come out and like do a go fund me for a hundred grand so we can cover payroll and that he won’t match up to a hundred grand. Why does he have yet just go do it? Don’t make it a thing. And I get it and I think I got, I forget who it was.

Speaker 3:

I think, Oh God, I wish I, I wanted to like shoot you guys on Lincoln. I totally forgot it was the M blow. I think it’s Drake or somebody that like, and I love this phrase, black Twitter, um, is just absolutely dragging right now. Uh, because Hey, uh, I want you to like, we’re going to do all this to like raise $1 million. Dude, you’re worth 160 million. Why don’t you just donate it and not me? You know, if you want to go call your friends buying the scenes, go call your Preston of his crap. Yeah. The one, you know, here’s the thing. All the people we talked about ever deserve to complain, lose their jobs. Now, you know, dozens, um, the, the, the vice article about all of the Airbnb, uh, Oh dude, that was a hell of an article. And it was an, and here’s why I thought this article was super interesting, is like, people always talk about how hard it is to find places to rent or live or all that kind of stuff.

Speaker 3:

And I think the stat, if I recall correctly, it was like 34% of all available, like rental properties in Toronto, um, are held by these, uh, these groups that do Airbnb rentals at which it’s 65% of the 23,000 listings, Airbnb, um, or for entire homes or RVs. That’s insane to me. And no, I don’t feel bad for you because you S you were speculating like a mad man, and guess what? Part of the speculation is you get your ass burned. That’s how that goes. Yeah. You’re a real estate investor. You’re an investor in a stock market crash. You don’t see me going, we told them no, but we totally saw that. You totally did that. I’m not complaining to you guys about it. Good news for renters and Toronto. Like all these people are throwing them in or they’re former Irby places up for actual rent. Yeah. They’re like, that’s a thing is like now they’re like, they’re kind of being forced to convert to longterm

Speaker 2:

leases or longterm rentals up to a year, which, so you’re now you’re a landlord within a landlord, like, right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Hey, uh, have you guys seen the pictures of fricking Kobo? Uh, those are kind of disturbing. Yeah. So I guess you won’t see it,

Speaker 2:

just set the stage. Uh, so like, and, and I, I posted this the other day, like I am floored, um, that people do not yet take this seriously enough. Like people don’t understand. Um, like what a, what a real thing this actually is. And kids, if you’re in the Metro Detroit area at all, and this doesn’t hammer the point home, they have canceled the Detroit auto show. Uh, why? Because they are turning the TCF center. Uh Oh it’s radio pine up. Uh, they’re turning it into a hospital

Speaker 3:

for, for people who are infected with Toby 19, but aren’t serious cases. And if you, any of you look at what it looks like, it’s like almost like motor city comic con, the autograph section, which just canceled today. Right. Which is all piping drape in a bed. And you know, like if you look at the ad, an overhead shot and it was just

Speaker 2:

well yeah cause they well cause they just, I believe they just started building that out today. Um, but I mean if you think about it like from a, from a a reality standpoint, I mean you know there is, there is a nut and that’s one of the few places in the area. Cause I mean we’ve had this conversation a bunch of times when it comes to cons and that kind of stuff. How do you find a convention center? Like when you’re not a small con anymore or a small event anymore and you’re getting to like let you and you’re not a medium event anymore and now you’re a huge event. There’s a limited number of spaces here in the area to do that stop with. So Kobo, TCF is one of those few places that has the capability to actually make this work because there’s enough exhibit hall space to keep like to build this out and keep people six to 10 feet apart from each other.

Speaker 3:

Well, the weird thing, this whole thing, and I don’t mean to detract from it, but the weird thing is like when they’re talking to you about the correlations, it’s like a certain blood type and a certain thing of overweight and a certain thing of like, there’s people, like, it wasn’t just an elderly thing, it’s like a predisposed thing. And we’re like, seriously? Like,

Speaker 2:

dude. So the, the meme that I posted like about two weeks ago now, um, I’m starting to believe more and more in like, so the, the me, my posted was, um, I’m not quite sure how yet, but I’m fairly sure this is all vaping’s fault. Uh, so like I’ve talked to a couple of like, you know, nurse, uh, like white claws fault. Uh, yeah, life was all good. So y’all started drinking themselves or beers? No. But so like I’ve talked about this, so like, you know, if you like think dude, think back like six months ago and all stories that were out there about um, Hey, uh, because of vaping popcorn lung and you know, this 19 year old gets a double lung transplant because his lungs were destroyed and all that kind of stuff. And so I’ve asked a couple of nursing friends that are, that are in the midst of this and I said, Hey, so like, cause I do like I did from an it perspective, it’s the same thing.

Speaker 2:

Um, if the big obvious answer is staring you in the face, uh, which is a coronavirus Oh, coven 19, do you even bother looking for a possible alternate explanation? Because you look at the symptoms of a severe, you know, coven 19 infection. It is, you know, lung damage and fibroids building up and all that kind of stuff and you know, pneumonia and all that stuff, which are the same symptoms of, you know, these gen one vaping cartridges and these, you know, black market vaping cartridges with the marijuana and all that stuff. Do you even bother looking and, and, and to a T they’re like, yeah, no we’re absolutely not looking at that and Holy shit, I’m bringing that up in our next meeting cause like I, I do dude, I wonder like, cause dude vaping got Sue cause we’re like, we’re now an episode like Michigan is now an epicenter for, for a coronavirus and making you susceptible. Yes. More to the point like, and if you already have that lung damage, yes, you’re more susceptible and so and so the one, the one interesting thing I heard was, wow, you know what? Yeah, we’re asking if they’re smokers, but we’re not asking if they’re vapors.

Speaker 3:

Don’t you think they would say you’re asking your smoker? You don’t think you’d answer? Yeah. No, that’s not the question that’s asked. Apparently. No. I mean as a, as a, if you were asked that you wouldn’t ask her. I made no, I know. I know a lot of them. Dude, I don’t smoke. I vape. Did every dude, dude, dude, every vapor I know. No, it’s, it’s so much better than smoking, dude. I remember. Yeah, the guy that beeps at work, that’s exactly how he sounds on me. Oh yeah. I’m totally just a daily water vapor to my loan is weird. What is like, I don’t know, obviously I don’t, you know, my, my wife was in the medical field, but she’s not in that part. What is the blood type are they overweight have to do with this? So apparently really blood

Speaker 2:

type O which cheers, um, has a, a, all the tests so far said to have a greater susceptibility of survival, um, which, and, and, and do it. And this gets back to, and I’ve, and I’ve talked to my friends about this too. Um, the more I think, and I’m sure you remembered, like, dude, like the, like middle of January I was knocked theF out. Um, I was barely keeping my eyes open. I was dead to the world for the better part of like three weeks. Um, I had a dry, raspy cough, which is one of the symptoms I had. And I like, I thought I was just stuffy and I had an effected sense of smell. That’s apparently one of the symptoms. Um, so like I go again, I look back and I’m like, dude, I, I’m pretty sure I had this. The sad reality is I’m sure they would love to get my blood to get serum if like it’s true that I had it cause that’s the one they’re like, Oh my God, we need people that have like come out the other side of this. We need your serum in order to develop like, you know, antibodies and, and, and uh, the inoculation shots and all that kind of stuff. But like I, I couldn’t get tested right now cause there, there’s nothing that I could say that other than, yeah, I’m pretty sure I had it cause of this stuff that I had for like three weeks back in January. But I’m pretty sure I had this for like three weeks back in January.

Speaker 3:

So there’s a, this is, this is going to be crazy to you. There’s someone that’s a, you know, I have my leadership colors like seven of us on the call. One person’s like, Hey, I’ve been sick since Tuesday, and all of a sudden it’s like, yeah, I’m having a hard time breathing. I had a fever all it. And we’re like, we’re texting behind the scenes going, dude, he’s got the Rona. And we’re like, dude, why don’t you go to the hospital? He goes, the doctors have all told me until I’m like literally blue lift camp, breathe. Don’t bother going to the hospital because a, they got no room for you. And B, they can’t do shit for you if that’s not scary. Like, and I’m sitting there and he just like, imagine how he feels. He’s got two little kids at all

Speaker 2:

due to everything else. Apparently you’re a celebrity, you can go get tested with them. Right. So no dude, every, everything I’ve heard. So like my, my friends that are nurses in those units. I mean it’s, it’s, it’s scary. It dude, it is literally scary. Um, it is. I, I don’t, I don’t know how they walk into that every day. I don’t, I, I truly, truly don’t.

Speaker 3:

Um, Joe’s got PTSD after like 20 years of being a firefighter. That gets a thing, like people like kind of poo poo it. Um, he’s, he’s on the dive team that you’re usually, he’s like, he’s done seen some shit and it’s, it’s easy. He’s a little like in the head because of it. Um, that’s, that’s a thing.

Speaker 2:

There’s all those Florida trips with you that don’t help.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. I don’t know. At the, here’s the, here’s the funny thing about all of this. It’s like here I am, I’m still like, I can’t get, not funny, not funny, not funny. Ha ha. Hey, this milk smells funny. Yeah. I’m still on crutches. So like literally nothing’s changed for me. So while everyone around me is going crazy, life is hurting this,

Speaker 2:

you’ve basically been like self quarantine for the better part of the last three and a half, four years,

Speaker 3:

December. Right? Like what are you doing? And I’m like, well, you know nothing. I’m doing the same cause everyone’s checking in. I mean, how’s you, how you doing? How’s your family? And I’m like, we’re all good. I’m just kind of doing the same thing. Like, I’m, I’m watching bad movies, I’m introducing my kids to the John used sets and, uh, I’m making Spotify playlist of years of my life. Like I don’t, what else am I supposed to do? Um, but yeah, we finally got my girls through. Did we talk about this last week also? I think I started last week. We uh, got them through breakfast club. Yeah. You said Ferris Bueller didn’t hold up. Ferris Bueller did not hold up. A weird science did. Um, and top gun was, I keep talking, I’m just making myself another drink. I’m fine. No one top gun. Yeah, no, go ahead. Don’t treat it any different than when you’re in the studio.

Speaker 3:

I’m just telling you I’m here, dude. We’re, we’re, we’re past break time and I’m going to make myself another drink. I’m sorry. Just be the same as you’re in the studio. I got to get up 14, 10. Um, the one thing that didn’t hold up, Randy, have you seen once upon a time in Hollywood yet? Yes. If that wasn’t the biggest piece of shit. Worst movie I’ve ever seen in my life. I don’t know what was, it’s only the second Trentino movie I’ve ever seen and I was not impressed. I loved hearings, you know, movies. I, I kind of, I don’t wanna say I was raised on him, but red stop reservoir dogs. What? When I was like 2021 you know, like it was like two hours of nothing and then 20 minutes of over the top violence, the end. Well, the thing that, you know, the only reason I watched it is cause Eric Gutierrez that one of the comical creators said it was his favorite Santina movie of all time.

Speaker 3:

And I’m like, and I trust Eric and he’s a good guy, so I’m like, I’m going to give it a shot and it’s two and a half hours. And then he’s like, Bobby, you don’t get it. It’s about like the Sharon teed murders. I’m like, no, I get it. Tarantino rewrote what actually happened. Like it wasn’t even, that wasn’t even a depiction. It was like what he thought what would be cool or which just makes no sense. Like either, you know, either it was or it wasn’t. This is wishy washy in between. Yeah. None of the dialogue made sense or, or even mattered. It is kind of like random day doing random shit and then some fricking like, it’s kind of like a boogie nights where like the last scene, sister Christian and the guys shooting people I didn’t even know was an alternate take on the Sharon Tate murders until after I actually sat down in a theater.

Speaker 3:

Like it was never sold as that. No. And it was a, Oh, I heard it won awards. I’m like, what? Oh, who cares? Like what awards? It was awful. Literally. It was awesome. I’m, I’m happy to say I have not seen it yet. No, I don’t. Literally don’t. Yeah. The only other, um, in a movie I’ve seen his death proof. I mean, Grindhouse double feature for what it’s worth. And I know how much you guys get along. Uh, Matt Rausch completely agrees with you, Bob. Yeah. I, I’d say thanks man. Locked me. I know like nine years ago, I still haven’t forgotten. It’s a thing. Yeah. Um, it’s gotten so bad watching movies. Like how many, how far down the wrong I’ve gotten that I watch species three the other night. Wait, I’m sorry. I feel like I just had a revelation like when I found out they just, they made a house party for like we which we like to call PCs, PCs three and it couldn’t have been a worse movie. Um, who was in that? Natasha?

Speaker 2:

Did she still do it for five minutes? Oh, cause usually by the time you get to a three. Okay. Wait, she wasn’t in two was she absolutely went to the end, right?

Speaker 3:

He’s the guy. Yeah, that guy. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Like how the star of hostel was murdered in the first five minutes of hostile to,

Speaker 3:

Oh see I never seen it. I don’t remember the hostile too.

Speaker 2:

Can we all just agree that this is going to make a phenomenal South park episode? Oh, that’ll be like, dude, cause they can’t get together to record you. Dude. Stone and Parker have gotta be losing their effing minds that they can’t be in the studio burning an episode right now because you know that, you know that they’ve got at least a half a season of material out of this.

Speaker 3:

Here’s the thing that I don’t get the content providers and the content distributors should be falling over themselves to get us more shit. Yes. I don’t like Disney plus released frozen two electric Boogaloo kiss my acid sup. It was,

Speaker 2:

it’s not a duty. It’s, we’ve had this conversation about star Wars. It’s not for you. The kids loved it. They were thrilled.

Speaker 3:

Oh, it’s for Annie. It wasn’t for I know, but I got to sit and watch the crap. So at least make a couple fricking subtle.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Make the Aladdin inside the GI, the adult jokes. So I’m happy. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Um, but here’s what, here’s a Comcast did it. I don’t like it. Um, they really like the movies that you wouldn’t have gone to see anyway, like the invisible man and shit like that. Um, they released it as in the theater pay-per-views and they’re $20 renters. Nope. There’s a whole lot of notes.

Speaker 2:

Well, but that’s probably, that’s probably not their fault. That’s probably the studio’s fault. I mean, that’s, cause this dude, that’s the thing. I mean like the studios are not, I mean, so like, and, and I do, I give him, dude, especially like Disney, I mean their parks are shutdown. Um, their parks are going to be shut down for the foreseeable future. Um, but thank God they should be thinking God for Disney plus, uh, and for all the revenue that bringing in. So yeah, let’s funnel, you know, let’s fund it as a funnel, as much of their, as we can to keep people signing up and getting in.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Milan too was supposed to come out this past weekend. And what are they doing with that? Or not? Milan to, no, that’s, that’s just Moolaade. There’s, it’s not a sequel. It’s a remake. It’s a, yeah. I just, I just want my sesh one sauce. Where’s the, where’s the McDonald’s slash one size? That’s

Speaker 3:

well, the new eczema movie sweater come out this upcoming weekend and has, if you’re a, if you play Hasbro, dropped all of the GI Joe cartoons on you dead cool them. Yeah, no, that was a, I started watching it and if they have the, I’m looking for the one with the, uh, the three cubes. I remember it was like a three part was the only one that was a three part series. Um, but I’m like, as soon as I started watching it just dialed in like I was like back then. Um, I don’t know if I re reminisced harder watching GI Joe or making my high school 1991 tape case mix on Spotify now. Like I grew up in Warren [inaudible], which is like right just North of Detroit. And pretty much all we listened to was hip hop and heavy metal. So, like literally it was two, two live crew songs to Metallica songs to two short songs to uh, you know, I was, I was going to ask you where the Florida playlist, uh, Spotify was, but then I was like, Oh wait, you, you’ve said a million times, you only had two cassettes, the entire Metallica black saber scale and a mix tape with like Alison jeans and Valerie loves me.

Speaker 3:

It was just like, it’s like literally Cypress Hill on repeat and then when we drive and pitch black in the night, it was, you know, um, Metallica blacks to keep us awake with the windows rolled down. Um, but yeah, I’ve, I’ve been having fun, like, you know, the, here’s the cool thing about it and it’s like you don’t expect anyone to like reach out and say thank you. Like I had like three people, which I’m totally like enamored with like saying, Hey man, life’s been hard. Like a couple of Joe’s firefighter friends that grew up with the post bar with me. Right? Or like, man, I go, it’s been just shit at work and like coming home. It is hell. And like I played the playlists last night, I’m fricking brought me back to a time where it was like the happiest dude. I, I shared them into the penguin con group.

Speaker 3:

Uh, cause I sold them on there were, I was making okay cause there were people eighties Pango kind of eighties dance party. Uh, dude, I got so many messages [inaudible] they were like, Oh my God, pink cause I guess that’ll be the next time. So you know, penguin con canceled so we’re not doing the 80s party motor city comic con canceled. So we’re not doing our sit on the outdoor porch and get drunk party. Um, dude, it’s like, I don’t know that cons are ever going to be the same again. I really, really don’t. And, and everything for that matter, dude. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

People aren’t gonna when they, when they were, let’s say May 1st they open up the flood Gates and it’s going to be may, are we gonna are we all going to go run out route POG in the mall? No. Everyone’s still going to be like touching anything. I’m like, I’m not touching you. Right, right. Who’s the person, you know, like for real though, who’s the first hand you’re going to shake your now you’d be like, you’re going to still elbow bump and fist bump, like, yeah, like people aren’t going to rush back into this shit. I think we’re in [inaudible], you know, but here’s the thing, like, I, you know, I still go to, I still get to go to physical therapy. They open it up for like three hours a day. Um, it’s for like, people that are like me, I can’t walk. So I gotta go. Um, there’s people riding their bikes everywhere. Like that’s like a thing and the weather’s not good. It’s windy as hell. Like people are out in rows. There is not, dude, I don’t do that. That’s a

Speaker 2:

God dude. That’s, that’s my rant. Like I don’t, um, although I was pleasantly surprised, I had to go out for groceries today. Uh, and so I went to a, there’s an Aldi right next to a Meyer, the all the, uh, there were maybe six other shoppers besides me in, um, the Meyer

Speaker 3:

packed and ready to go and nobody, Oh, go, sorry, finish, finish. Hello.

Speaker 2:

Oh dude, I dude, I know. And I also, I make the dude, I make the runs downtown cause the grocery stores downtown, there ain’t nobody there like in there and they’re fully stocked.

Speaker 3:

That’s what I was going to say to hot tip, um, bowing to the Polish market yesterday. Um, and it stocked in the gills and no one’s in there.

Speaker 2:

Go hit your Asian markets, dude. Get your ass to Hamtramck. That’s, that’s, that’s where everything is.

Speaker 3:

Hit the noses Nino’s a stock to the ceilings. Um, the Polish market on 18 and van Dyke was literally stocked to the ceiling. Yep. I go to the market on Campbell around the corner from the studio. It’s fully stocked and only you can we talk about, can we talk about the church on the corner of Campbell and uh, 11 mile by, by the studio level.

Speaker 2:

That’s not in the corner. No, I know exactly. The church you’re talking about, it is three lights left of the studio. You’re, you’re talking about, you’re talking about the Royal Oak cock.

Speaker 3:

Yes. And it was the church of Christ and they got the Mark. He lit and it’s as Royal cock.org. Yup. And I’m like, aye. Aye. Aye. You know, somebody who wouldn’t you somebody say something

Speaker 2:

like, like, you should, you should, you should not have that name. You shouldn’t, you should absolutely not have that URL

Speaker 3:

oil low church. That’s, that should be fine.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. I mean, I’m sorry, is that the Royal Oak code of conduct? Is that right?

Speaker 3:

That’s the, that’s the joke is like we have a, uh, the network operation center and security operation center and then we have the, the NOC and the SOC, the not going to sock and then there’s the rock in the middle for the war room and like, why don’t we rename it to come every time we’re in there where this executive, where like we’re talking about renaming this to command operations center. Can we do that? Get it? And they’re like, you guys are idiots. And I’m like, so,

Speaker 2:

uh, it’s the command operation center for knowledge is, it’s where we’re going to call. So I guess I’ll do seriousness just cause, I mean, I, I feel like we do, like, we do share a lot with listeners and that kind of stuff. Like how are you guys holding up through all this nonsense? Like are you like I, I, I’m not gonna lie like I am, I am losing my mind if it w if it weren’t for like the virtual bar nights through zoom that I’m doing with people, I would be bad shit crazy by now. I absolutely would. I, I’m not even going to try to hide it.

Speaker 3:

I’m, uh, I’m playing empire too. I’m on my laptop. Um, I’m making clay lists. I think it’s not, and watching bad movies and hanging out with the fam. I think what we’re going to get when we come out of all of this, either we’re going to love the people that your wisdom or are you going to hate the people they’re with? There’s no one, I love the, uh, the meme, the guy that’s standing behind the tree with the yellow jacket. Just waiting for those, you know, husbands and wives to be all the divorce lawyers waiting for the husbands wives to be for a day or two.

Speaker 3:

Cooking like crazy. Yeah, that’s a thing. Say cooking, trying new recipes. I’ve been, I’ve been teaching, I haven’t spent a lot of time like teaching my daughter how to cook like that. That’s been, cause my son has no interest in it, but my daughter does. Um, and so like we’ve been cooking like fiends. It’s simple. Like when I taught my kids, there’s like scrambled eggs, real cheese, make a burger, you know what I mean? Like get the basics down like me. And my saw earlier was a, we’ll face a will Smith shocked face, uh, brunches after week of quarantine, figuring out that again, potato with a dash of pepper. You could cost 31 cents.

Speaker 3:

Oh finger. Not, not wait. Avocado, avocado, toast, toast, cake. Cos what there’s been, I mean the names have been, I can’t, literally, I can’t get enough. And you don’t know whether or not you, I think you got a laugh just out of cause you have to do, you laugh, you laugh to keep from screaming. That’s, that’s, that’s all there is to it. Like that’s, that’s reality. There’s one, it’s a celebrities Gar going makeup free while social distancing and then there’s Tony soprano going who gives a shit? Just stuff like, Oh my God, why? Why can’t people self quarantine? I’m here in my home. Yet your home is a $19 million mansion with 37 rooms, 87 acres. Ocean view. You’ve, you’ve, you’re making your 18 servants come to work, kiss my ass, who’s usually Hollywood. No one gives a shit. No, no, you’re good. And I, and I do, I’m actually kinda loving the backlash that I’m seeing. Like, you know, talking about earlier about the whole makeup donation thing, dude, I, I’m, I’m loving the backlash that people are finally feeling like it’s the dude you and you rich entitled bro. Like who knew, who knew that our lives would depend on all the people that everyone argues don’t deserve $15 an hour. Right.

Speaker 3:

You take it for granted? Like literally my favorite one. I’m going to show it. It’s like, what do you do for work? I sell toilet paper. Nice, nice, nice. Nice way to share a blow job on our honor at our, on our podcast about, that’s amazing.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

God we have no ad reads. Nobody will care. Well what’s it like there? Did, I had my first one, it was one of the sacrum post on Facebook. Hey we’re, we’re on a teepee at the house. Is somebody got a lot or you know who’s selling it? Like it’s gotten to that point. I was waiting for that cause I’m like no one’s going to run out.

Speaker 2:

I do and I don’t like, I don’t understand it. Like why? Like we’ve joked about this like, Oh my God, one person sneezes in 30 people shit themselves. But like, like I don’t, I don’t understand the run on toilet paper. I don’t, I really, I don’t get it. Like what if they never heard of, of lane in the waffle stomp? I, I’m, I’m ashamed that I know that the phrase waffle stop now, like that is, I’m, I’m sad that as a part of my vocabulary, but like, no, seriously, like I don’t, I don’t get it. Like I was in, like I said, I was in both all the NMI are today and they were both incredibly well-stocked, like anything and everything that you could possibly want except toilet paper. And I’m like, Jesus Christ.

Speaker 1:

You know what I’m really happy that they’re doing though. Um, the, the, the assholes, um, capital ass each Les, um, that are like licking shit at grocery stores and like posting it on Snapchat. They’re throwing them.

Speaker 2:

So did you see that story? I don’t think I shot it to, I don’t think I shot it to you guys, but I shared it in another chat that I was in. Um, the lady in Florida, uh, that said, Hey, I’ve got coronavirus and then proceeded to like cough and sneeze, um, over like an entire produce aisle. And so they charged her with destruction of property greater than $2,000. So it’s a class, a felony, um, 30 grand worth of food. It was $35,000 worth of. And dude, good. I good. I hope. I hope she gets yell time. Like I, I have no hesitation or reservation in my life. Throw the book at her, kill it with fire.

Speaker 1:

Are you the guy that like, did he cough on a cop? Like there’s been like a half a dozen of these stories.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Uh, somebody got charged with domestic terrorism for it. That’s the, the lady in Florida there, there I, there was another guy in addition to the class a felonies. They absolutely are. Wow. Because theoretically you’re spreading a chemical, a bio attack, a bio weapon.

Speaker 1:

Oh dude. You know what we haven’t talked to pouch. Um, the fact that they’re on our list. Yeah. The fact that they’re the U S mint is a releasing [inaudible]

Speaker 2:

quarter has already released. So this is a cue that conspiracy theorists, I love this. So as of February 3rd, the America, the beautiful quarter, cause everybody remembers like the, um, they did all the state court and it’s too washed out. Um, the America, the beautiful quarters, like everybody remembers the, uh, the state ones that they did. They released all those. Um, and now they’re moving out of the territories and that kind of stuff. So the one for American Samoa that was released on February 3rd features a fruit bat.

Speaker 1:

Like besides it Eagle, what would be the thing you would put on a quarter? I think, I think they’ve done bears and shit haven’t paid for like tennis Dee and all that. Oh, like I said, all of us do it. All the state quarters had their own thing on the back and yeah, but like how far down you got to go for like a fruit bat?

Speaker 2:

Well, but apparently apparently American Samoa is known as like a, a fruit bat. Like that’s one of their things that people go there to see. And it’s a tourist thing.

Speaker 1:

I get it. I have to curious theories like little puppies with wings, poppy rats,

Speaker 2:

that’s a pigeon. A pigeon is a rat with wings, but no, so they got, it’s like apparently, yeah, they were released on February 3rd. Um, so like they’re actually out in circulation. And I would, I would, I would love to get my hands on one and I would love dude, cause some of the dudes, the conspiracy theories that are floating around

Speaker 1:

are amazing. Well, stuff’s really weird right now. If you look like, you know, like a, there’s, you know, we talked last week I went to, I’m gonna start making a list. I’m like I don’t care what team you root for when you go to vote in November. But due to I don’t care right now like people are dying cause like you suck. Just get shit done. How, like how, how, how hard is it to know? Okay. Why was the stimulus bill more than a page like maybe to like, Oh I was there. No, why was there pork in it? Why is it like money going to this, who cares? The Kennedy center can kiss my ass like that.

Speaker 2:

Like none of that shit like it. Why were you not just focused on

Speaker 1:

helping the American people and being done with it? Like, it’s, I like flying everyone into like 10 different categories cause you have people that are, um, like the gig workers. Like you can’t just say unemployment for X. Right? There’s people that do stuff like this. It’s not, this is not a black and white economy anymore. There’s people that do different things, self-employed, small businesses, um, restaurants like, you know, people that were kind of tips or just there’s tons of different classifications for sure. Write that out, make sure those people are taken care of and gun sign it, get it done

Speaker 2:

for sure. And I mean it’s, and I’m glad to somebody, you know, and Whitmer I mean, you know, as, as you know, good, bad or indifferent, people have different opinions of her. Um, you know, just a sign that executive order, I believe earlier today, uh, that extended all the unemployment benefits to the self-employed, the gig workers, all that kind of stuff. Good. I mean like that’s, that’s what actually needed. Cause I mean like how many people do you know that like, Hey, I started driving Uber and it worked out well, so that’s what I’m doing full time.

Speaker 1:

Well, dude, the shade, the shade needs to stop. Like, you know, like on social media, all of it. It’s the last thing any of us need is my team. Your team did some stupid 19 better, right? Like dude, there’s for as much shit as there is going on. Like I almost like literally I’m making a list, but let’s be honest, Trump does to shut the hell

Speaker 2:

  1. I can just stop talking. Do you know what? It’s funny you were talking about,

Speaker 1:

I forget which comedian was on Rogan. Um, you know how I watched the clips on YouTube? I don’t want to listen to the whole thing, but they’re like, Trump is like nicotine and it fits in with the smoking. I know, I go, it’s a great drug. It’s just the delivery.

Speaker 2:

And he goes, cause some of the things he’s done,

Speaker 1:

global trade and leg, the economy. Some people could say it’s good, but then when they do, it opens his mouth. It’s like a diarrhea

Speaker 2:

festival. Well did, we’ve talked about this a million times. If he would have just been the sales guy that brought people together, everything would’ve been fine. And nobody would have said a word, but no, he can’t shut the hell up. Like I’m, I’m still, I still don’t know how, how is nobody changed his Twitter password? Like how was I, was nobody just like, I, I do, I love the meme that like, you know, D dr Fauci invents new life-saving mask and it’s duct tape over his mouth like that. You see those conversations, sir? Give me your phone and he locks himself in the oval office. It’s not even funny. It’s actually not. No, I can totally picture Trump as a teenage girl. Yeah, absolutely. It’s my gram.

Speaker 1:

Well, as soon as I heard the nicotine, I’m like, Oh my God, that’s freaking brilliant. That’s so true. It actually is absolutely amazing. It totally is. Yeah. Enough put the shade is take care of people for crying to take care of your neighbors. My, uh, my, my neighbors are really good friend of mine and his, his mom passed and like, they had to have like a one person funeral because the funeral home and instead of fricking sad, like I talked to him on the phone for a couple hours. It’s bad enough your mom passes away, but then he’s got to go through that. So like we’re bring them over a plate of food. It’s like, dude, that’s the crap you got to just take care of your neighbors, man. Just look out for each other. You know, this isn’t rocket science right now. Just, you know, you get bored. Just do something nice for someone. Hey, there you go. This as I say, I feel like

Speaker 2:

we should, we haven’t dove in it if we haven’t dove in to any of the stories that we had listed. And so I would do that cause we are, we’re here on zoom and I love that zoom has the virtual background feature, which is amazing. Like the, I was using this one for awhile. Um, I’ve got one that’s the, you know, this is fine. Sit down. Where I’m seeing is sitting surrounded by fire. Um, I’ve, I’ve got one where I’m getting attacked by a Raptor.

Speaker 1:

The problem is you’ve got to have a nice camera though. Like my camera on my laptop sucks. And as soon as I do what I look like a, like a ghost of Randy, you’re all washed out. It looks stupid. You know, my, uh, my computer’s not power, not full enough to do it without a green screen, but I don’t have a green screen. So it looks really bad. Yeah. Yeah. But it’s, it’s fun. Uh, all the human right

Speaker 2:

could disappear back into He-Man.

Speaker 1:

At least make it, no, because you’re like, now that we’re on virtual meetings, Microsoft teams lets you blur the background, which is worse rather than this. I’d rather just, you’d be on a Starship enterprise than worrying in the background. I can see her Alan Trammell signed poster. Like why do you need a polar that right.

Speaker 2:

I’m actually impressed by that. Show it off a little bit. But that’s like, that’s, that’s the weird part is the shift that cause me. I mean, we’re going through it like I, you know, the shows, you know, you know, we’ve got eight studios in three different locations that are now closed. Um, and all those shows want to keep running and want to keeping the boys out. And so, you know, we had, you know, Skype was a thing and as it turned out, zoom actually supports lower bandwidth connections better. And so that’s why we’re doing that. But I mean it’s, you know, keeping shows up and running and just, whether it’s, you know, meetings or this kind of stuff like it, it is like that whole shift of what’s normal like is, is, is this the new norm for podcast now? Like, no, like when you’re not going to have host together sitting in a room in a studio and I mean us inevitably like we’re, we’re going to be, we’re, we’re going to be in the same room like cheersing a beer and all that kind of stuff. Cause that’s how we do and that’s what we are. But I mean it’s, it’s, it, once you prove that the technology is possible and I don’t have to leave my basement cause

Speaker 1:

I like my base dude, look at, look at how we work. There’s 5,000 people and under one roof sitting five feet of five feet apart. Um, we’ve got everyone working remote. So like now, today I got a call from my bosses, bosses boss, um, or whoever, and he wanted to see how I was doing. I go either, you know, either I’m getting, uh, you know, which doesn’t have Guinea. He goes, can you take a team’s call? And I’m like, take a team’s call. You know, how to call my cell phone when you’re getting yelled at or I’m getting promoted or I’m getting fired, or like, and he’s just like, how’s it going? And I go, good. He goes, what are you guys doing? I go, well, here’s what we got a daily huddle on, on teams or on GoToMeeting, on video. Um, we’re on teams.

Speaker 1:

We opened up a teams chat for the entire, all 35 of us. So like, if someone’s got an issue with something, you know, we’ll call it out. Or if there’s a ticket that needs to be addressed or somebody, you know, we’ll call it out. And I go and if anyone needs help, they cry out for help. And they collab on that. So I go there, the collaboration is still there. We’re just doing it different. We just figured out a different way to do it. And I go anyone that’s not part of the team that it was part of that chat hates us. Um, cause there was a few people from the other

Speaker 2:

cause I think that’s the best thing that I’ve seen so far as if this is thought as nothing is. Yep. That meeting could have been an email.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Yeah. Well like we’re, we’re, we’re, we’re just as productive. The projects are moving forward better than they ever have. Um, a few of them cause we’re able to go, there’s no distractions. They’re getting those taps and stuff. Stuff that they thought needed to get done isn’t, Oh, we’re still supporting the other teams. Right. We’re working different and they go, I don’t want to say it’s better cause the collaboration sometimes was good for, for, for growth and improvement. Yeah. Dude, face to face has its merits. It absolutely does. Yeah, absolutely. But I go work in a couple of days. Home a week isn’t, shouldn’t be frowned upon. And this establishment, right? Like I think people, a lot of people are gonna realize that no matter what business they’re in, they had a couple of, you know, you can split this and split the environment, bring your own device, bring your own, bring your own seat. Um, you know, and we’re going to, you know, a lot of people are going to figure out BYO D I’m a God BYO ass BYO Cher.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

No, but technology is to the point where we can do stuff like this and not, you know, I don’t need to be able to like, when’s the last time I touched your shoulder? It’s not like, you know what I mean? It’s not like we sit in a hug while we’re doing this podcast. Well, you know what I mean? Is that this isn’t that why gonna ruin the elution Bob? We totally have.

Speaker 5:

If Randy had his way, we’d be spooning. We’re like, Elliot, we’re like elephant walking under the table. That’s something people didn’t need to know. Um,

Speaker 1:

you know, that and that, Oh, that’s another, the memes that are funny. It’s like the guys that are single that are like, I think Sherry sent me one. It’s like a, uh, like a pillow on a mattress that looks kind of like a woman’s body part. It’s like day 14. This is starting to look

Speaker 2:

good. I’ll do, I let there’s the one that it’s the couch, uh, the two couches that are my couch is starting to look kind of thick.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 2:

Although I do love and I, I’m actually waiting to post it on the [inaudible] page cause I, I had just posted something like an hour before I saw this. Uh, but it was the Hey, uh, use zoom users in case you don’t, if a case you’re not aware when you shoot a private message to somebody, uh, during your zoom meeting. Yeah, it’s private until somebody downloads the host downloads that chat and it’s in the meeting minutes.

Speaker 1:

Oh say heads up chemo savvy. I know, especially at work, I don’t excite all that stuff. Got it. Cause I’ve got asked to post stuff and I’m like, okay, no, so don’t take, I don’t even, I don’t even know that exists. I want you wait, log what? Log?

Speaker 5:

Yeah, exactly. So

Speaker 2:

yeah, I mean obviously, you know, we are where we are. We are, uh, here on, uh, you know, the 30th of March. We’re not obviously having our, our event in Ann Arbor. Uh, we are not having our Metro Detroit event, uh, for December or excuse me for April either. Um,

Speaker 1:

why haven’t bands Dunmore like on st Patrick’s day when, uh, what’s I’m gonna call it, did that constitute the Dropkick Murphys? That was amazing. That why is it, why haven’t another band like no one’s done it? Another one since it’s been, what, two weeks? Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I think honestly, cause they need a space to do it. And the Dropkick Murphys have a great relationship with the bar that I believe they don’t quote me. I believe they may or may not be part owners of the place where they did it from. Um, but like, so that’s a thing. Like where, where are you going to do that from? Cause if you’re going to do that, like, like let’s say a local band wants to do it. Okay. So we gotta get the magic bag. We got to get the Ritz we gotta get, we got to get the sound person getting the video. Gotta get [inaudible]

Speaker 1:

uh, [inaudible] uh, that’s true. You know what, uh, my book, I’m wondering it, you probably heard it before. I have the rise of the speakeasy. I’m waiting for that.

Speaker 2:

Yup. Oh no, it’s already happening. Oh no, it’s, they’re already out there. Um, in fact, I am very, very proud of myself that I have not gone yet.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Um, it’s social distance and people, well dude, and that’s one of the reasons why I haven’t gone. Like, I, I do it again talking about like how crowded Meyer was and how crowded like targets are and that kind of shit. Like, I don’t, dude, I’m tired, dude. I’m a social creature. I am angry. I am that kid. I’m the kid in second grade that keeps getting recess time taken away because those three assholes won’t come down and just be good kids. Like, that’s how I feel right now. Because like as dude, the more you do this, like did Rouge, uh, where was the party in Rouge park the other day? Um, no, we don’t care. We’re throwing a party, moose park, dude, I am so happy. Those cops cruised in there and started handing out $500 tickets. F you F you F you, here’s your $500 ticket and here’s your 500 on a ticket. No, there was no, you’re cool. It’s y’all out. Y’all out. Yell out. Um, do people like, I don’t understand this one thing I posted the other day, like, dude, if you don’t understand how serious this is, it seems like every single Dane lately, um, there’s a major name in the Metro Detroit area that’s dying. Like it’s, it’s not pretty. Like, it’s not cool. It’s not,

Speaker 1:

here’s a thing. Taking taken, taken a couple of weeks off and growing a beard and watching movies and hanging out with your family isn’t the worst thing in the world. Or even by yourself if you’re, if you’re living by yourself or just, yeah, just hanging out in the basement, ignoring the rest of your family. That’s fine. Read, read a book wouldn’t be, you wouldn’t. I’m like, I’m just saying in general, I’m just go figure it took Dave all but a day before you decided I’m going to build a studio in the basement. That way I can never leave.

Speaker 2:

No dude, I was trying to honestly, so here’s the dude that was, we talked about this like, dude, I agonized over closing the studios. Technically speaking with the media facility exemption, we could have stayed open, we wouldn’t get destroyed. Nope, no, I don’t even care about that. We could have stayed open and it’s one of those things where like as I talked to the engineers and I and I talked to, you know Randy was a part of those chats. Like there was no way in hell that I could rationalize. Like what if something had happened? Like what if one of them had caught it and dude are

Speaker 1:

one person gets tickets the rest of your life due to our edge. Our engineers are like,

Speaker 2:

they’re kind of like family. Like I, I love all of them. They’re there. Like there are people that I see all the time. There are people that like I, I respect and I care about and I want to do Oka, I want to do well and I want to be okay. And I couldn’t rationalize.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I couldn’t. And so, you know, we had to shut down the studios and so I, you know, that was that, you know, like I said, you know, that Monday night, you know, you and I were texting back and forth and I was talking with Jamie and Matt about the Northville studios until about one 30 in the morning. And so, you know, Tuesday that Tuesday I went and grabbed all the remote gear, um, and brought and set it up down here and figured out, okay, how do we keep this going? Because the flip side of that is I don’t want to take people’s voices away. Like that’s, you know, we’ve talked about this like, you know, at the end of the day, you know, yeah. The, the business shows and that kind of stuff are far more profitable on the white label stuff. And yet Adriana, but it’s the, did the fact that I can’t, last time I looked at it, it was like 72% of our shows were minority or female hosted. Um, I don’t want to take those voices away. I don’t want that to not be a thing. And so it was a matter of, okay, let’s a lot of trial and error and like the first couple of days were pretty bumpy cause we were still trying to make Skype work and then figuring out zoom and figuring out how to make all this stuff happen. But now that it’s up and running and we’re pretty solid with it, like it’s, I’m, I’m, I’m good. Like it’s, this is

Speaker 6:


Speaker 2:

I’m okay. Like we’re, we’re gonna, we’re, we’re gonna make this work. Like that’s

Speaker 1:

yay. Like that, that like, yeah, sorry, I’m kind of out there. No, we need our hobbies to keep our sanity and you know, for, for all of us, this is a big part of our lives. Um, dude, this has been our Monday night for seven years. Like, yeah, we’ve missed two. Yeah, I think I have, I’ve missed a few more cause I had like sales conferences out of town, but whatever.

Speaker 2:

Well, and those were trained racks. They were pretty bad episodes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Whatever it is what it is. Um, but Hey, we’re going to call it, or what do you guys watch? What’s on there? What’s on the horizon?

Speaker 2:

I mean, I dunno. I can, I can share the link with Matt and Jamie if you want. Like just random nonsense.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I’d rather you can do that at another time. Okay.

Speaker 2:

I was surprised you didn’t mention the, uh, the story of something leaking out of your arenas. There’s somebody has been waiting their entire lives to write that headline. Let’s be honest.

Speaker 1:

And it’s from futurism.com which is a, I think it’s a normal publication and it says basically word for word NASA data shows something leaking out of your anus, but it’s actually like legit. Um, and then here’s where it gets even stupider. Um, NASA scientist digging through, you know, decades old data, um, something appeared to have been sucking Uranus’s atmosphere out into space. So not only is it leaking, um, something is sucking Irina’s but it’s basically it’s a, when Voyager two flew past it,

Speaker 2:

and let’s, let’s talk about that for a second. I love the fact that there was actually a federal government document that said that now says you should not eat ass. You should not let me finish the arenas thing and, and we’ll talk about that. Let me finish your ratings and then we’ll talk about eating. No,

Speaker 1:

barely the voyage or to pass through a plasma OID and cause for, if I’m reading this for beta that escaped your rain has and likely pulled a giant gassy cloud of the planet’s fart Lake atmosphere along with it, space.com reports. So not only

Speaker 2:

someone waited their entire lives to write that a headline and that article

Speaker 1:

not only is something leaking out of your anus, something is sucking Irina’s and there’s a fart light atmosphere around your anus.

Speaker 2:

Well, an interesting part of this story is they theorize that this may have been what caused Mars to lose its atmosphere. Something sucked. The atmosphere out of Mars too. Yeah. Is going to take another probe to, uh, out to your anus, to another other probe in Uranus. Yeah, that’s, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Okay. And they a wasn’t that a Spaceballs cause he’s gone from suck until, all right. No, go ahead. Go ahead with your thing. Because this is the thing, like with the government released like actual govern. This is actual government documents telling you

Speaker 2:

dude. I, and it was, it was like the, the federal guidelines, um, basically saying that and cause think about this like, and this is how I, 20 years from now when someone is looking back historically and looking at these documents, there’s actually a federal document that says in order to prevent the spread of Corona virus, um, mouth to anus contact should be avoided.

Speaker 1:

Hang on. Nope. Number three, take care of during sex kissing can easily pass COBIT 19, avoid kissing anyone who’s not part of your small circle of close friends, which that shouldn’t even be a thing. Um, I remain, I’ve been ramming and it has in quotes, mouth on anus might spread. Kovac 19 virus and feces may enter your mouth. No, no, no, no. Um, and then basically washing before and after sex is more important than ever. Uh, wash hands often was soap and water wash, sex toys was soap and warm water. This is from the government. This isn’t like Buzzfeed.

Speaker 2:

Yes. No. Yeah. It’s not like some guy on Twitter. No, this is, this is an actual federal document that is now a part of the national archives. And that’s a thing. Is it federal? I thought it was just New York city health department. A no, that department. It’s government. No, that was no that, no, no, that came. No, that was a, that was like, they cited the CDC guidelines that said the exact same thing.

Speaker 1:

Okay. That’s what I love someone shot when I fired that off it was like, didn’t DJ assault tell us that and water and water anyway, trying to get slap happy. You know what, let’s do this every day. I’m okay with that.

Speaker 2:

Well, we’re turning it in the D and do a daily show. What’s the, what’s the worst that can possibly happen?

Speaker 1:

This is the, uh, the official one and the rest will be non-official. Okay. I’m good with that. Alright, we’ll we’re, we’ll bring friends.

Speaker 2:

Well we should, so we’ve, you know, like, like I said, you know Jamie and Matt wanted to hop in there. Uh, so did I, I feel bad for the guys that are trying to launch. Um, so, and I’m sure you’ve heard your, where you’ve seen the, uh, the Joe Louis bourbon, uh, that’s trying to launch looks awesome, but yeah, and like they’re trying to launch

Speaker 1:

no, yeah, no bad. Sorry. You can’t even build PR.

Speaker 2:

Most liquor stores are closed, but it was like, what are you going to do? Well, no, so they’re, they’re doing like virtual tastings with bartenders, with Jamie and Matt as part of man-cave happy hour in that kind of stuff. Um, and trying to build that up cause you’re, what else are they going to do? Like that’s right. You know. Yeah. I mean it is like the, these are literally the only thing that are keeping my mind together. Cause I mean, you know me, like I said, I’m a very social creature. This whole isolation thing is, is not good for me. And so I need more of this and they don’t get knee surgery and get infected and be on crutches for four months. That’s okay. I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

All right. So folks, I did, I appreciate all of you who have watched, who have listened. Um, yeah, I, this is, this is us, this is who we are and I hope we never do video and, and so I, I’m curious to see what kind of reactions we get to this

Speaker 1:

and Allie, that is our first guestless show. We’ve had an a I think, a long, long time. Yeah. Yeah. But uh, Hey, we’re going to wrap things up for episode 341 on behalf of Bob, Dave and Randy, do us all a favor, drink up your drinks, get your phone numbers. You don’t gotta to go home. You guys got to get the hell out of here. See you next week. Drive careful. Stay safe. Stay home. Beat it. See you guys.

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