Episode 182: Alocito, Cason Beverages, 5ive Gears Show



A really, really great time was had by all during episode 182 of our weekly live podcast from the Podcast Detroit studios!  It seems like we say that all of the time, but it was especially true this time around.  From an app designed to streamline your dining process to save you all kinds of time to a new sparkling water on the market that’s got an amazing taste (with or without adding vodka to it…) to another show on our network keeping you up to speed on the latest in the local Detroit music scene that you probably ought to be listening to…

Alocito can be found at: https://www.facebook.com/alocitoinc/

Cason Beverages is at:  https://www.facebook.com/DrinkCason/

The 5ive Gear Show is at https://www.facebook.com/fivegearsradio/ and can be heard live Thursday nights from 7pm to 9pm on the Podcast Detroit network as well as all of the usual syndication points.

Don’t forget that offer from Alocito – get $5 off your meal by booking with them and then dropping them a note through their Facebook page!

Fellowes can be found at: http://www.Fellowes.com

Hostgator’s 60% off offer is at: http://www.HostGator.com/ITintheD

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And we don’t normally do this…but since most of segment one was taken up by Bob and I ranting, here are the stories we didn’t get to this week:

Proposed doubling of H1B salaries: http://www.msn.com/en-in/news/newsindia/h-1b-visa-bill-introduced-in-us-minimum-pay-more-than-doubled/ar-AAmrdMz

Crazy new robot from Boston Dynamics: http://www.theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2017/2/1/14468126/boston-dynamics-new-wheeled-robot-handle

Silicon Valley planning to move foreign workers to Vancouver? https://techcrunch.com/2017/01/31/in-silicon-valley-plotting-to-get-foreign-born-workers-to-vancouver/

Lego Dimensions has some cool new additions: http://ew.com/gaming/2017/02/02/lego-dimensions-harry-potter-knight-rider-goonies/

Microsoft heads to downtown Detroit: http://komonews.com/news/local/microsoft-to-move-technology-center-to-downtown-detroit

One guy’s really bad TINDER date: http://komonews.com/news/local/oregon-man-left-naked-at-motel-after-bad-tinder-date

Google cutting Gmail access for deprecated browsers: http://www.deccanchronicle.com/technology/in-other-news/030217/you-wont-be-able-to-use-gmail-from-february-8-confirms-google.html

As if being on unemployment wasn’t bad enough… http://www.wxyz.com/news/state-19-million-residents-at-risk-after-potential-release-of-social-security-numbers

Was Gaga’s halftime show a satanic ritual? http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/lady-gaga-super-bowl-halftime-satan-illuminati-confirmed-alt-right-a7564796.html

Royal Oak guy, local app, and $1 million Superbowl win: http://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/oakland-county/2017/02/06/royal-oak-man-wins-million-super-bowl-bet/97542404/

Tom Brady’s missing jersey: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-02-06/brady-s-missing-super-bowl-jersey-could-get-500-000-at-auction

Tinder glitch lets you snoop on Facebook friends: http://www.vocativ.com/343872/a-new-tinder-glitch-lets-you-lurk-on-your-facebook-friends/

Vulnerable printers: https://www.hackread.com/printers-hacked-worldwide-with-warning/

Vizio’s smart tv’s are watching…and sending data back home: https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2017/02/vizio-smart-tvs-tracked-viewers-around-the-clock-without-consent/

IT in the D
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