Episode 73: BulletSafe, Priveco, Ian Sterrett



IT in the D, Episode 73

Holy wow, what a great way to kick off the year.

Huge thanks to our guests Tom Nardone and Ian Sterrett who joined us tonight to talk about everything from the continually evolving Sony hack to bulletproof hats to geeks and conventions around the area.

Yes, it was that random…and it was that much fun…

ITintheDnewspaperIn our opening segment, we talked about the college football fan who drunkenly took a $900 Uber ride, the continuing Sony hack debacle, whether or not apps are dying, the new advent of individual tv stations launching their own apps, and more.

Then we dove in with Tom Nardone, President of Priveco and a number of other businesses.  Priveco (Prive like “private” and Co) specializes in allowing you to…well, here’s how they describe what they do: PriveCo Inc. is the world’s most private company. Our strict privacy policy allows you to shop at any of our web stores with the utmost privacy. Every aspect of your visit including the shopping, purchasing, delivery and after-sale experience is kept completely confidential. Our dedication to private service has caused PriveCo to become one of the Internet’s most unusual and fastest growing companies.  Check them out at http://www.priveco.com/

bulletproof-vest-27In our third segment, we talked about one of his other companies – BulletSafe.  BulletSafe makes a great bulletproof vest at an unbelievable price. It offers NIJ Level IIIA protection for just $299. It’s a great vest too, with a large coverage area, plate pockets for ballistic plates, 6 sizes to fit almost everyone, and high-quality materials. Bulletsafe bulletproof vests are the first great, affordable bulletproof vests.

Check them out at http://www.bulletsafe.com/

fdf9e6e19829734c3dc3aec92e0f83c4_largeThey’ve also got a kickstarter running right now to help develop their line of bulletproof hats.


A very cool concept, and there’s a whole bunch of science, math, and reasoning as to why this makes sense.  Go check it out at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/CalmTom/the-bulletsafe-bulletproof-baseball-cap

To wrap things up, we chatted with long-time member of our networking group, Ian Sterrett, about his take on our group, what conventions in the area he’s looking forward to or has hit recently, and just some good general conversations.  He’s a great guy, and we couldn’t be happier to have him around tonight or at our events.

That’s all for this time, don’t forget to tune in next week!

PriveCo can be found at http://www.priveco.com/

BulletSafe can be found at http://www.bulletsafe.com/

Their kickstarter can be found at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/CalmTom/the-bulletsafe-bulletproof-baseball-cap

Ian can be found on Twitter at https://twitter.com/ianformed

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The $900 Uber ride: http://detroit.cbslocal.com/2015/01/05/ole-miss-fan-leaves-peach-bowl-and-racks-up-900-uber-tab-after-falling-asleep-photo/

ESPN without cable? http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/business/wp/2015/01/05/espn-goes-streaming-through-dishs-sling-tv-no-cable-required/

Another Bitcoin exchange hacked: http://www.techworm.net/2015/01/bitcoin-exchange-bitstamp-hacked-site-taken-offline.html

Stop it with the Facebook privacy stuff.  Just…stop. http://www.snopes.com/computer/facebook/privacy.asp

Netflix cracks down on VPN and proxy users: http://torrentfreak.com/netflix-cracks-down-on-vpn-and-proxy-pirates-150103/

GradsOfLife is kind of a cool site doing good things.  You should check it out http://gradsoflife.org/

5 trends in TV and movies that you’ll hate: http://www.cracked.com/quick-fixes/5-movie-tv-trends-youll-start-to-hate-in-2015/

Is Internet Explorer finally dying? http://money.cnn.com/2014/12/30/technology/internet-explorer/index.html

How did Snapchat get $486 million?  No really…how: http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2015/01/01/snapchat-funding/21146715/

Google Maps is recording everywhere you go: http://www.vox.com/xpress/2014/8/17/6025339/google-maps-is-tracking-everywhere-you-go

United Airlines suing 22 year old who came up with a way to find cheap airline tickets: http://fox13now.com/2014/12/29/united-airlines-sues-22-year-old-who-found-method-for-buying-cheaper-plane-tickets/