Episode 78: Penguicon, Bebop Art, Kosmic Kasey



What a fun, fun night.

Thanks to our guests Scott and Nuri from Penguicon, Kelly O’Hara of Bebop Art and Kasey from Kosmic Kasey for joining us for just a great night of conversations, laughs, and we even managed to be a little informative…not to mention running a giveaway that you can still be a part of.

We talked conventions, comics, art, women at cons, and all sorts of really great topics…

B9c1Qz1CYAAzJLmAs always though, our first segment kicked things off with the stories that have caught our eye over the past week.  Samsung’s announcement that their smart televisions are recording everything you say.  Radio Shack filing bankruptcy.  The problems with state income tax returns via Turbo Tax, which actually likely had more to do with the Anthem hack that resulted in 80 million full identities being stolen than anything else.

10498422_10202402992211232_6650656922280576931_oIn our second segment, we chatted with Kelly and Kasey about art, comics, and the female perspective on several of the conversations we’ve been having lately.  We met Kelly at Motor City Comic Con last year in Artist’s Alley (you can catch that earlier conversation with her here: https://soundcloud.com/itinthed/motor-city-comic-con-2014-interview-kelly-ohara-bebop-art), and it was great to hear more about what she’s got going on, the various shows that she’s involved, her art, Kasey’s writing, and their take on things.  Kelly is a Detroit-based portrait painter that has sold works internationally and shown work for over a decade from multiple galleries in and around the Detroit area, like the one taking place later this month that hit: https://www.facebook.com/events/922314677780270/.  Catch up with her at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bebop-Art/239939760127  Kasey Pierce is a writer, vidcast-host, and comic-con personality from the Metro Detroit area. She’s written pieces for AllThingsGeeks.com, AlmostNerdy.com, and quoted on the back of Dirk Manning’s graphic novel, Tales of Mr. Rhee (Procreation of the Wicked). Kasey is also in the works on a horror anthology for Rocket Ink Studios to be released early 2015.  Check her out at https://www.facebook.com/kosmickasey

Penguicon_logo_BW_highresSegment three focused in on Penguicon, a convention taking place at the end of April that’s definitely different than a lot of cons in the area.  They describe themselves as a happy place where all geeky interests are represented, explored, and respected. A place with hackers, makers, foodies, open source software junkies, anime buffs, and science fiction fans of all ages and backgrounds come together in a hotel for a weekend and totally blow the roof off.  And nothing we’ve heard or read so far can dispute any of that – programming tracks for the hardcore geek to the casual cosplay enthusiast, events, panels and fun for just about everyone.  It’s a safe bet that you’re going to see us there.  Read more about them and get your tickets today at http://www.penguicon.org/

B9c4iL3CQAEpsqLIn our fourth segment, we continued learning a little more about Penguicon and then doubled back into our conversation with Kelly and Kasey…and then we made the decision to continue things even on out into a fifth segment, which went pretty much like those usually do.

That’s all for this week’s episode.

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Kelly O’Hara can be found at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bebop-Art/239939760127 or http://www.bebopart.webs.com/

Kasey can be found at https://www.facebook.com/kosmickasey or http://www.kosmickasey.com/

Penguicon can be found at http://www.penguicon.org/

As always, we can be found:
On the web: http://www.ITinTheD.com
On Meetuphttp://www.meetup.com/ITintheD/

On LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=91763

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